
14D2I51 - Parasitic diseases of animals

Course specification
Course title Parasitic diseases of animals
Acronym 14D2I51
Type of study PhD academic studies
Lecturer (for classes)
Lecturer/Associate (for practice)
    Lecturer/Associate (for OTC)
      ESPB 10.0 Status elective
      Condition Enrolled in semester Oblik uslovljenosti
      The goal Aim of the subject is trainig of PhD oriented students in diagnostics, therapy, profilaxis, management of important parasisitic diseases of animals, in all phases of livestock production.
      The outcome Acquring of the current knowledge and skllis within: diagnostics, therapy, profilaxics, and management of important parasisitic diseases of animals, in all phases of livestock production.
      Contents of lectures Etiology, epidemiology, immunity, pathogenesis, patho-anatomical alterations, clinical presentation, diagnostics, therapy and profilaxis of animal parasitic diseases. This subjets indicates the economic importance of specific diseases from this group of diseses This subject introduces economic damage, both direct and delayed, of parasitic diseases.
      Contents of exercises
      1. Dimitrijevic Sanda, Ilić Tamara, 2011, Clinical Parasitology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Belgrade, Author's edition and Interprint Ltd. Belgrade, Belgrade.
      2. Dimitrijevic Sanda, 1999, Diagnostic of parasitic diseases, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine University of Belgrade.
      3. Aleksic Nevenka, 2004, Parasitic Diseases - special part, Author's edition, Belgrade.
      4. Dimitrijevic Sanda, Ilić Tamara, 2003, Coccidiosis of poultry, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine University of Belgrade.
      5. Kassai T, 1999, Veterinary helminthology, Butterworth Heinemann, University of Veterinary Science, Budapest, Hungary (Original title)
      Number of hours per week during the semester/trimester/year
      Lectures Exercises OTC Study and Research Other classes
      Methods of teaching Theoretical lecture, seminar, experimental work in the laboratory.
      Knowledge score (maximum points 100)
      Pre obligations Points Final exam Points
      Activites during lectures 30 Test paper
      Practical lessons Oral examination 60
      Seminars 10