
prof. dr Miloje Đurić

vanredni profesor
Katedra za porodiljstvo, sterilitet i veštačko osemenjavanje
062/802 50 71


14D2I17 Sterilitet domaćih sisara
14D2I18 Veštačko osemenjavanje i kriologija sperme
14D2I19 Kontrola reprodukcije farmskih životinja
14I4O03 Porodiljstvo, sterilitet i v.o.
14S1I05 Kontrola reprodukcije i zdravlja životinja


Papers in journals with SCI list

Species diversity, host preference and arbovirus detection of Culicoides (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) in south-eastern Serbia

Influence of different seasons during late gestation on Holstein cows colostrum and postnatal adaptive capability of their calves

The impact of the chromium supplementation on insulin signalling pathway in different tissues and milk yield in dairy cows

Effect of peroral administration of chromium on insulin signaling pathway in skeletal muscle tissue of Holstein calves

Efficiency Evaluation of a Bivalent Vaccine in the Prophylaxis of Mastitis in Cows

Papers in journals outside the SCI list

Evidence of West Nile Virus (WNV) Circulation in Wild Birds and WNV RNA Negativity in Mosquitoes of the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve, Romania, 2016

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