
prof. dr Ivana Nešić

vanredni profesor
Katedra za anatomiju
062/886 82 35


14I1O05 Anatomija
14I1O06 Topografska anatomija


Books and bibiliographies

Praktikum za vežbe iz Anatomije II

Papers in journals with SCI list

Anatomical and histological characteristics of the lungs in the ground squirrel (Spermophilus citellus)

Skull bone anatomy of the young common hippopotamus (Hippopotamus amphibius)

Anatomical and histological characteristics of the lungs in the ground squirrel (Spermophilus citellus)

Comparisson of m. semitendinosus morphometrz and structure in gilts and barrows at market age

Histological and histochemical properties of m. semitendinosus in german landrace pigs at birth and market weight.

The common iliac artery in the ground squirrel (Citellus citellus)

The arterial vascularization of the amygdala in dogs.

Evaluation of the genotoxic effects of thyroxine using in vivo cytogenetic test on Swiss albino mice

Papers in journals outside the SCI list

Uporedne karakteristike potkolenih kostiju (Ossa cruris) srne (Capreolus capreolus) i ovce (Ovis aries) u cilju utvrđivanja pripadnosti životinjskoj vrsti

Vaskularizacija bubrega kod tekunice (Citellus citellus).

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