
dr Bogosav Soldatović


Papers in journals with SCI list

Cytogenetic changes in bone marrow cells of wistar rats induced by levamisole hydrochloride

Genotoxicity and potential chemosterilant efects of Rosol

A study of selenium genotoxicity in the micronucleus test on mice

A large acrocentric chromosome in the first pair of autosomes in natural populations of Mus musculus, Linne 1758

Effect of cloprostenol on the mitotic index and SCE frequency in cultures of human lymphocytes

Cytogenetic analysis of the effects of UrotovetR on the chromosomes of mammals "in vivo"

The aberrant karyotype of a bull with characteristic of Klinefelter’s syndrome (part I)

Robertsonian fusion in a simmental cow-bull mother (part II)

A mosaicism with karyotype designation of 59.XO/60, XX/61,XXX in red pied heifer (part III)

Aberrant karyotype of an experimental rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus, Linnaeus, 1758) with a heterozygous first autosomal pair

Papers in journals outside the SCI list

In vitro cytogenetic analysis of the effects of oxytocin on human peripheral blood lymphocytes

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