
prof. dr Dragan Bacić

vanredni profesor
Katedra za zarazne bolesti životinja i bolesti pčela
062/803 97 18


14D2I57 Zoonoze i ekologija
14D2I58 Virusne bolesti pčela
14D2I59 Infektivne bolesti životinja
14I3O02 Bolesti pčela
14I5O04 Infektivne bolesti životinja
14I6IO01 Klinička patologija i terapija socijalnih životinja 3
14I6O06 Mobilna klinika
14S1I03 Infekcija i mehanizmi odbrane organizma od infektivnih agenasa
14S1I11 Opšta epizootiologija
14S1I12 Metode epizootiološkog rada
14S1I14 Metode virusološke, bakteriološke, mikološke i parazitološke dijagnostike
20I4I02 Tropske bolesti


Papers in journals with SCI list

The Effect of the Intensity of Parasitic Infection with Strongyloides papillosus and Albendazole Therapy on Biochemical Parameters in Sheep Blood

A Study on the inactivated bivalent vaccine prepared from serotypes 1/2a and 4b Listeria monocytogenes for the control of listeriosis in sheep

Sarcocystiosis in dogs in several regions of Serbia

Papers in journals outside the SCI list

Modifikovani "COAP protokol" u terapiji tumora pasa i mačaka

The modes of poisoning of honey-bees with pesticides

Protection of honey bees from pesticides

Significance of poisoning of honey bees with pesticides

Bulevar oslobodjenja 18, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia, phone: +381 11 3615 436, fax: +381 11 2685 936

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