
prof. dr Zoran Kulišić

redovni profesor
062/803 96 91


Books and bibiliographies

Trichinella – Trichinellosis

Specijalna epizootiologija. Compendium bolesti sa liste A i značajnijih bolesti sa liste B Međunarodne organizacije za epizootije (OIE)


Bolesti pčela

Ehinokokoza i hidatidoza domaćih životinja

Rečnik osnovnih pojmova u parazitologiji

Kokcidioza živine, kunića, ovaca i svinja

Zdravstvena zaštita svinja u intenzivnom uzgoju

Papers in journals with SCI list

Coexistence of genetically different Varroa destructor in Apis mellifera colonies

Molecular evidence of Q fever agent Coxiella burnetii in ixodid ticks collected from stray dogs in Belgrade (Serbia)

Inhibitory effects of different medicinal plants on Candida albicans growth

First insights into the genetic diversity of Echinococcus granulosus sensu stricto (s.s.) in Serbia

Haplotype identification and detection of mitochondrial DNA heteroplasmy in Varroa destructor mites using ARMS and PCR–RFLP methods

Prevalence of zoonotic intestinal helminths in pet dogs and cats in the Belgrade area

Levels of infection of intestinal helminth species in the golden jackal Canis aureus from Serbia


Antiproliferative effects of Tanaceti partheni, Hypericum perforatum and propolis on hela cells

Canine and feline thelaziosis caused by Thelazia callipaeda in Serbia

Anti-Toxocara antibodies in patients with suspected visceral larva migrans and evaluation of environmental risk of human infection in Belgrade, Serbia

The first detection of Acuaria spinosa in pheasants

First records of Dirofilaria repens in wild canids from the region of Central Balkan

In vitro antibacterial activity of propolis extracts aged 7 and 365 days on 12 different species of bacteria

Frequency of antimicrobial resistance in thermophilic Campylobacter strains from humans, poultry and pigs

Prevalence and intensity of infection with gastrointestinal nematodes in sheep in eastern Serbia

Variability of the honey bee mite Varroa destructor in Serbia, based on mtDNA analysis

Prevalence of Salmonella serotypes in food and water in Belgrade area

Trichinella infections in different host species of an endemic district of Serbia

Antiproliferative effects of Camellia sinensis, Frangula alnus and Rosmarinus officinalis

Prevalence of gastrointestinal helminths in calves in Western Serbia

Echinococcus multilocularis in European beaver (Castor fibre L.) from Serbia: first report

Resistance to erythromycin of Campylobacter jejuni and Campylobacter coli isolated from animals and humans

Safety assessment of sugar dusting treatments by analysis of hygienic behavior in honey bee colonies

Application of GIS in epizootiological surveillance of swine trichinellosis in one endemic district in Serbia

Susceptibility of Campylobacter jejuni and Campylobacter coli isolated from animals and humans to tetracycline

Susceptibility of Campylobacter jejuni and Campylobacter coli isolated from animals and humans to ciprofloxacin

Ecology of Anopheles mosquitoes in Belgrade area: Estimating vector potential for malaria retransmission

Vulnerability for malaria in Belgrade area, Serbia

Metagonimus yokogawai, a new parasitic trematoda species in ichtyoparasitofauna of the Serbia

Evaluation of genotoxic effects of fumagillin by sister chromatide exchange and chromosomal aberration tests in human cell cultures

Analysis of mitochondrial DNA in honey bees (Apis mellifera) from Serbia

Cryptosporidium infection in lambs and loat kids in Serbia

Discocotyle ohridana n.sp. (Monogenea: Discocotilydae) on the gulls of Ohrid belvica Salmothymus ohridanus (Pisces: Salmonidae) from the lake Ohrid, Macedonia

Trematodes of the Eurasian coot Fulica atra in the Belgrade area

Fauna of monogenean trematods – parasites of some Cyprinid fishes from the lake Prespa (Macedonia)

Cryptosporidium infection in nursing, weaning and post-weaned piglets and sows in the Belgrade district

Most frequent nematode parasites of artificially raised pheasants (Phasianus colchicus L.) and measures for their control

Occurrence of Anguillicola crasus (Nematoda: Dracunculoidea) in eels of Lake Ohrid, Macedonia

Cryptosporidium infection in weaners, bull calves and postparturient cows in the Belgrade area

Effect of intestinal coccidia infection of rabbits upon red and white blood cell numbers, hemoglobin concentration and hematocrit

Infectivity of Trichinella spiralis larvae in pork buried in the ground

Cryptosporidium infection in calves aged up to three months

Diagnosis, anesthesia and operative repair of urinary bladder rupture in foals

Electrocardiographic interval changes during hyperinfuzion in horses with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

Parasitofauna of the Ohrid belvica (Acantholingua ohridiana Hadžišče, 1961) from lake Ohrid (Macedonia)

Blood glucose, plasma osmolarity and urea creatinine clearance in rabbits artificially infected with intestinal coccidia

The influence of intestinal coccidia infection of rabbits upon plasma and urine electrolyte concentrations

Influence of intestinal coccidia infection of rabbits upon plasma and fecal levels and plasma and urinary urea and creatinine levels

Parasitofauna of the Ohrid trout (Salmo letnica Karaman, 1924) from lake Ohrid (Macedonia)

The influence of rabbit infection with intestinal coccidia upon the activity of liver enzymes

Intestinal parasites of dogs and role of dogs in epidemiology of larva migrans in the Belgrade area

Fauna of ticks (Acari: Ixodidae, Argasidae) of south-east Kosovo

The role of foxes (Vulpes vulpes L.) in the epizootiology and epidemiology of nematode parasitic zoonoses

The first occurrence of Chabertia ovina in wild swine

Investigation of Ixodid and Argasid ticks on some mammals and birds in the extended area of Belgrade

First occurence of the flea Ctenocephalides felis felis (Bouche, 1835) in chickens kept under intensive breeding conditions in Serbia

Trematodes of wild duck (Anas platyrhynchos L.) in the Belgrade area

Giardiasis as a zoonosis: The prevalence of Giardia in dogs in Belgrade

Trematodes of genus Diplostomum (Nordman, 1832) in gulls (Larus ridibundus L.) in the area of Belgrade

Papers in journals outside the SCI list

Environmental contamination by parasites in public parks in Belgrade in the context of one health approach

Comparison of Mosquito Larvicidal Formulations of Diflubenzuron on Mosquitoes in Belgrade, Serbia


Zastupljenost Dirofilaria immitis, Borrelia burgdorferi, Anaplasma spp. i Ehrlichia spp. kod nevlasničkih pasa na području Beograda

Parazitske infekcije digestivnog trakta pasa na području Braničevskog okruga

Parazitske infekcije digestivnog trakta pasa na području Braničevskog okruga

Epidemiologija i dijagnostika fascioloze ljudi

Scarabidae – intermediate hosts for Macracanthorhynchus hirudinaceus

The cestodes of the fox (Vulpes vulpes L.) catched in Serbia in the period 1994-2006

The fauna of endoparasites in Acipenser ruthenus Linnaeus, 1758 from the Serbian part of the Danube river

The role of red fox (Vulpes vulpes L.) in the epidemiology of zoonotic tapeworm of the genus Mesocestoides (Cestoda: Cyclophillidae)

Nalaz Fasciola hepatica kod goveda Jablaničkog regiona. Veterinarski glasnik

Tipologija i monitoring ekološkog statusa tekućih voda Srbije

Krvni paraziti živine (2) – protozoe iz rodova Plasmodium i Aegyptinella

Endoparaziti živine – Nematode digestivnog trakta (2), Capillariae spp.

Investigations of eugenol efficacy in treatment of mange in swine

Endoparaziti živine – Nematode prednjih partija digestivnog trakta (1)

Demodikoza pasa na teritoriji grada Niša

Efikasnost eugenola u lečenju šuge svinja

Aeromonas salmonicida in Californian trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss, Walbaum, 1792) and some biochemical characteristics of this bacteria

Uloga pasa u kontaminaciji urbane sredine uzročnicima parazitskih zoonoza

White blood cell differential count in rabbits artificially infected with intestinal coccidia

Coccidiosis in breeding pheasants (Phasianus colchicus L.)

Metastrongilidoza svinja

Lumbricidae – prelazni domaćini metastrongilida svinja

Učastie lisic (Vulpes vulpes L.) v epidemiologii cestod roda Mesocestoides (Cestoda: Cyclophyllidea) v Belarusi, Serbii i Černogorii

Značaj parazitološke kontrole kontaminiranosti zelenih površina u urbanim sredinama – iskustva Beograda

Promene u krvnoj slici kod kunića veštački inficiranih crevnim kokcidijama

Endoparaziti kunića na području Južnog Banata

Diferencijalna krvna slika kod kunića vještački inficiranih crevnim kokcidijama

Heterakidoza fazanske divljači

Parasite fauna of chub (Leuciscus cephalus) from the Lake Ohrid (Macedonia)

Trematode lisica (Vulpes vulpes L.) ulovljenih na području Beograda

Uloga Anoplocephala perfoliata u nastanku invaginatio intestini kod konja

Akaroza pčela

Toxicity to honey bees of pyretroides applied outside the hive

Krpelji kao transmiteri uzročnika oboljenja životinja i ljudi

Toxicity to honey bees and their brood of pesticides applied inside the hive

Investigation of clinical symptoms in honey bees poisoned with pesticides

Changes in the activity of enzymes primarly not synthesized in the liver following the Infection rabbits with intestinal coccidia

Fauna artropoda ektoparazita živine-malofage i njihov uticaj na zdravstveno stanje i proizvodne rezultate živine

Protection of honey bees from pesticides

The modes of poisoning of honey-bees with pesticides

Treatment of honey-bee colonies poisoned by pesticides

Rezultati parazitološkog ispitivanja peščanih igrališta za decu u užem centru Beograda

Significance of poisoning of honey bees with pesticides

Nalaz cestode Raillietina tetragona (Molin, 1858) kod fazana u farmskom odgoju

Patološko - morfološke promene kod kunića veštački inficiranih crevnim kokcidijama

Use of repelents in preventing honey bees poisoning by pesticides

Influence of age and education of patients on prevalence Giardia lamblia in human

Uticaj makroklimatskih činilaca na dinamiku populacije krpelja (Acarina, Ixodidae) Srbije

Prilog poznavanju parazitofaune golubova sa područja Beograda u periodu 1990-1994. godine

Značaj helminata u zdravstvenoj problematici fazana u veštačkom odgoju

Gastrointestinalni poremećaji zalučene prasadi parazitske etiologije

Cryptosporidial infection of pigs at the intensive breeding

Role of coccidiosis in pathology of artificialy raised pheasants

Značaj artropoda u zdravstvenoj problematici fazana u veštačkom odgoju

Sort and distribution of parasitary infestation in swine farms breeding

Species and prevalence of parasitic infection on a pig farm

Endoparaziti kunića na području Pančeva

Helmintoze pasa na području opštine Zrenjanin

Parazitske zoonoze kod malih životinja

Parazitske infekcije divljih svinja u Sremu

Savremene metode dijagnostike dirofilarioze pasa

Želudačno-crevne strongilide koza na području opštine Radoviš

Najnovija dostignuća u lečenju i preveniranju dirofilarioze pasa

Trematodes of gulls (Larus ridibundus L.) in Belgrade area

Nematodes of gulls (Larus ridibundus L.) in Belgrade area

Ehinokokoza na području SO Žagubica: I Rasprostranjenost kod domaćih životinja i epizootologija

Parasitical infection among pigeons (Columba livia) of different ages in area of Belgrade

Fauna parazita golubova (Columba livia) na području Beograda

Activity of the drug Synanthyc on helminths of the digestive and respiratory organs in naturally infected sheep

Ehinokokoza na području SO Žagubica: II Uticaj čoveka na rasprostranjenost ehinokokoze

Prvi slučajevi dirofilarioze pasa u Jugoslaviji

Endoparasite fauna of pigeons (Columba livia) as detected in the city of Belgrade

Ectoparasites infesting pigeons (Columba livia) detected in the city of Belgrade

Bulevar oslobodjenja 18, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia, phone: +381 11 3615 436, fax: +381 11 2685 936

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