
prof. dr Iris Đorđević

redovni profesor
Katedra za opšteobrazovne predmete
062/802 50 17


14I1I04 Eksperimentalna hemija
14I1O01 Medicinska hemija
20I1I04 Eksperimentalna hemija
20I1O02 Medicinska hemija


Books and bibiliographies

Praktikum iz Medicinske hemije sa radnom sveskom i zbirkom zadataka

Papers in journals with SCI list

NMR-based metabolomics study of Amphoricarpos species from Montenegro

Chemotaxonomic Considerations of the n-Alkane Composition in Pinus heldreichii, P.nigra, and P.peuce

Terpenes and n-Alkanes in Needles of Pinus cembra

Two structurally distinct chalcone dimers from Helichrysum zivojinii and their activities in cancer cell lines

Secondary metabolites of three endemic Centaurea L. species

Further Amphoricarpolides from the surface extracts of Amphoricarpos complex from Montenegro

Sesquiterpene Lactones of Amphoricarpos autariatus ssp autariatus from Montenegro - Antifungal Leaf - Surface Constituents

Effect of four lichen acids isolated from Hypogymnia physodes on viability of rat thymocytes

Chemical defense in the cave-dwelling millipede Brachydesmus troglobius Daday, 1889 (Diplopoda, Polydesmidae)

Population Variability of Nonacosan-10-ol and n-Alkanes in Needle Cuticular Waxes of Macedonian Pine (Pinus peuce Griseb.)

Chemodiversity of Nonacosan-10-ol and n-Alkanes in the Needle Wax of Pinus heldreichii

Lipid Composition and Antioxidant Activities of the Seed Oil From Three Malvaceae Species

n-Alkanes in the needle waxes of Pinus heldreichii var. pancici

Intraspecific Variation of Tanacetum larvatum Essential Oil

Essential Oil Variability in Natural Populations of Picea omorika, a Rare European Conifer

Chemical composition and antifungal activity of the essential oil of Douglas fir (Pseudosuga menziesii Mirb. Franco) from Serbia

Characterization of volatile compounds of "Drenja", an alcoholic beverage obtained from the fruits of cornelian cherry

Lipophilicity of some guaianolides isolated from two endemic subspecies of Amphoricarpos neumayeri (Asteraceae) from Montenegro

n-Alkanes in needle waxes of Picea omorika var. vukomanii

Quantitative analysis of sesquiterpene lactone cnicin in seven Centaurea species growing in Serbia and Montenegro using 1H-NMR

Further Guaianolides from Amphoricarpos neumayeri ssp. Murbeckii from Montenegro

Guaianolides from two subspecies of Amphoricarpos neumayeri from Montenegro

Sesquiterpene lactones from Cicerbita alpina

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