
prof. dr Mirjana Milovanović

vanredni profesor
Katedra za farmakologiju i toksikologiju


14D2I10 Eksperimentalne metode u farmakologiji i toksikologiji
14D2I28 Mehanizam dejstva lekova
14I3O06 Farmakologija i toksikologija
14I6IO01 Klinička patologija i terapija socijalnih životinja 3


Books and bibiliographies

Veterinarski lekobvi

Praktikum iz iz veterinarske farmakologije i toksikologije

Veterinarska receptura

Veterinarska receptura

Papers in journals with SCI list

Interaction of agonists of a different subtype of the nAChR and carvacrol with GABA in Ascaris suum somatic muscle contractions

Carvacrol acts as a potent selective antagonist of different types of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors and potentiates the effect of monepantel in the parasitic nematode Ascaris suum

Antihelminic activity of carvacrol, thymol, cinnamaldehyde and P-cymen against the free-living nematode Caenorhabditis elegans and rat pinworm Syphacia muris

Two opposite dose-dependent effects of diazinon on the motor activity of the rat ileum

L-arginine-no system participates in the analgesic effect of flunixin meglumine in the rat

The effect of carvacrol on inflammatory pain and motor coordination in rats

Pharmacological and morphological characteristics of the muscular system of the giant liver fluke (Fascioloides magna - Bassi 1875)

The application of adsorbent bentonite in oxidative stress induced by paraquat

The influence of the nitric compounds on the reactivity of the isolated bovine abdominal aorta in the presence of lipopolysaccharide (LPS)

The effect of the NO-synthase inhibitors on the contraction of the isolated abdominal aorta induced by noradrenaline in the presence of LPS-endotoxins

Papers in journals outside the SCI list

Uticaj eugenola na hematološke parametre kod pacova

Osnovne procedure u dijagnostici malignih oboljenja kod pasa i mačaka

Possibility for use essential oils in veterinary medicine and animal husbandry with special emphasis on oregano oil

Carvacrol importance in veterinary and human medicine as ecologic insecticide and acaricide

Investigation of influence of activ herbal ingredient eugenol on rat intestinal passage

The effect of flunixin-meglumine on some haematological parameters in rats

Osnovni principi primene lekova kod gravidnih životinja

The effect of bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) on the responses to noradrenaline of the isolated bovine abdominal aorta

Farmakoterapija oboljenja gastrointestinalnog trakta prasadi

Uloga azotnog oksida (NO) i inhibitora njegove sinteze u septičnom šoku

The role of nitric oxide (NO) in nitroglycerol tolerance

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