
prof. dr Jelena Nedeljković-Trailović

redovni profesor
Katedra za ishranu i botaniku
062/803 84 14


14D1O02 Eksperimentalne životinje i eksperimentalni modeli
14D2I70 Ishrana farmskih životinja
14I2O05 Ishrana
14S1I07 Klinička patologija domaćih životinja


Books and bibiliographies

Jedno zdravlje

Ohratoksin A u hrani za životinje, štetni efekti, detekcija i mogućnost zaštite

Eksperimentalne životinje i eksperimentalni modeli

Papers in journals with SCI list

Efficacy of a Modified Clinoptilolite Based Adsorbent in Reducing Detrimental Effects of Ochratoxin A in Laying Hens

Carvacrol acts as a potent selective antagonist of different types of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors and potentiates the effect of monepantel in the parasitic nematode Ascaris suum

Two opposite dose-dependent effects of diazinon on the motor activity of the rat ileum

The effect of carvacrol on inflammatory pain and motor coordination in rats

Interaction of carvacrol with the Ascaris suum nicotinic acetylcholine receptors and gamma-aminobutyric acid receptors, potential mechanism of antinematodal action

Comparative investigation of the efficacy of three different adsorbents against OTA-induced toxicity in broiler chickens

Pharmacological and morphological characteristics of the muscular system of the giant liver fluke (Fascioloides magna - Bassi 1875)

Presynaptic and postsynaptic regulation of muscle contractions in the ascarid nematode Ascaris suum: a target for drug action

An outbreak of fumonisin toxicosis in horses in Serbia

The role of total fats, saturated/unsaturated fatty acids and cholesterol content in chicken meat as cardiovascular risk factors

In vitro and in vivo protective effects of three mycotoxin adsorbents against ochratoxin A in broiler chickens

Blood serum status in broilers fed with increasing concentracions of ochratoxin A

Central and peripheral neurotoxic effects of ivermectin in rats

Feeding Behaviour of Stray Dogs in a Municipal Shelter

Environmental prevalence and persistence of Listeria monocytogenes in cold-smoked trout processing plants


Papers in journals outside the SCI list

Characterization and nutritional assessment of traditional dairy products from the Zlatibor region, Republic of Serbia

Effect of Modified Clinoptilolite to Counteract the Deleterious Effects of Ochratoxin A on Egg Production and Quality

Primena biotehnologije u ishrani životinja

Possibility for use essential oils in veterinary medicine and animal husbandry with special emphasis on oregano oil

Carvacrol importance in veterinary and human medicine as ecologic insecticide and acaricide

Mikotoksini u živinarskoj proizvodnji

Possibilities of organic production in Vojvodina

Uticaj selena organskog i neorganskog porekla i različite količine vitamina E na proizvodne rezultate brojlera

Uticaj selena i vitamina E na prinos mesa brojlera

Pregled krmnih smeša za ishranu živine

Značaj gastrointestinalne mikroflore nepreživara

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