
dr Zlatan Sinovec


Papers in journals with SCI list

Efficacy of mineral and organic adsorbent in alleviating harmful effects of zearalenone on performance and health of pigs

Effects of selenium supplementation as sodium selenite or selenized yeast and different amounts of vitamin E on selenenium and vitamin E status of broilers

The influence of different feed aditives to performances and immune response in broiler chicken

Status proteina krvnog seruma brojlera tretiranih T-2 toksinom

Papers in journals outside the SCI list

Mineralni sastav zelene mase i sijena područja Divčibara

Mineral composition of the green mass and hay from Divčibare region

Uticaj različitih aditiva u ishrani brojlera na proizvodne rezultate i klanične parametre

Značaj gastrointestinalne mikroflore nepreživara

Pregled krmnih smeša za ishranu živine

Uloga polisaharida u patogenezi oboljenja živine

Sadržaj holesterola u jajima

Status makroelemenata i lipida u krvnom serumu odlučene jagnjadi

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