
prof. dr Branko Petrujkić

redovni profesor
Katedra za ishranu i botaniku
062/803 96 84


14D2I70 Ishrana farmskih životinja
14I2O05 Ishrana


Books and bibiliographies

Reprodukcija svinja

Bezbednost hrane za životinje

Papers in journals with SCI list

Efficacy of a Modified Clinoptilolite Based Adsorbent in Reducing Detrimental Effects of Ochratoxin A in Laying Hens

Carcass characteristics and meat quality of broilers fed on earthworm (Lumbricus rubellus) meal

Influence of phytogenic feed additive on Lawsonia intracellularis infection in pigs

The correlation between selected computer assisted sperm analysis parameters and bull fertility

Transabdominal and transrectal ultrasonography of fetuses in Württemberg ewes: Correlationwith gestational age

Comparative effect of thymol or its glucose conjugate, thymol-β-D-glucopyranoside, on Campylobacter in avian gut contents

Comparison of anti-Campylobacter activity of free thymol and thymol-beta-D-glucopyranoside in absence or presence of beta-glycoside-hydrolyzing gut bacteria

Effects of commercial selenium products on glutathione peroxidase activity and semen quality in stud boars

Determining the Value of Vlashko-Vitoroga Zackel Sheep for the Conservation Process

Ex Vivo Absorption of Thymol and Thymol-β-D-glucopyranoside in Piglet Everted Jejunal Segments

Validation of 10 microsatellite loci for their use in parentage verification and individual identification in the Yugoslavian Shepherd dog

The nutritive value of Valjevac grassland - Zasavica reservation

Effect of phytase supplementation on health status and performance of growing pigs

Dietary conjugated linoleic acid influences the content of stearinic acid in porcine adipose tissue

Treatment of dairy cow endometritis with different antiseptic solutions - comparison of their efficacy

Effect of feeding buffering mineral mixture on subacute rumen acidosis and some production traits in dairy cows

Natural and anthropogenic radioactivity of feedstuffs, mosses and soil in the Belgrade environment, Serbia

The analysis of forage quality for organic milk production in Fruška Gora region

Effect of different growth promoters on broiler performance and gut morphology

Radioecological investigation of food of animal origin in Belgrade environment

Effects of selenium supplementation as sodium selenite or selenized yeast and different amounts of vitamin E on selenenium and vitamin E status of broilers

Papers in journals outside the SCI list

Estimation of apparent and true total tract digestibility of phosphorus from monocalcium phosphate in broiler diets

Nutritivni faktori kao uzroci poremećaja u reprodukciji domaćih životinja

Nutritivni faktori kao uzroci poremećaja u reprodukciji domaćih životinja


Use of phytotherapy as a form of ethnoveterinary medicine in the area of Stara planina mountain in Serbia

Primena biotehnologije u ishrani životinja

Primena biotehnologije u ishrani životinja

Selekcijski kriterijumi u organskom stočarstvu

Prebiotici-savremena strategija u stimulaciji rasta životinja

The effect of addition of organic selenium on pheasant production characteristics

Improving of pig production by intrauterine artificial insemination and other biotechnological solutions

Morphological analysis of boar spermatozoa by age and breed

Hemijski sastav potpunih smeša za ishranu svinja analiziranih u periodu 2007-2009. godine

Actimomycotic granuloma in highly pregnant sow (case report)

The Use of Modified Clay in Reduction of 137Cs Deposition in Artificially Contaminated Broilers

Possibilities of organic production in Vojvodina

Effects of feeding Laying Hens Diets Supplemented with Omega 3 Fatty Acids on The Egg Fatty Acid Profile

Artificial Insemination of Sows with Frozen-Thawed Boar Semen in Two Different Periods of the Year

Mogućnost korišćenja biljnih ekstrakata dodatih u hranu za preživare u cilju poboljšanja prinosa i kvaliteta proizvoda

Hranljiva vrednost krmnih smeša za ishranu goveda na teritoriji Republike Srbije

Da li citogenetičke metode mogu da posluže kao deo biosigurnosnih planova na farmama visokomlečnih krava?

Upotreba povećanih količina organskog oblika selena u ishrani brojlera

Radioaktivnost namirnica na području grada Beograda

Kukuruzna džibra-poznato hranivo sa novom ulogom u ishrani životinja

Uticaj selena i vitamina E na kvalitet i prinosa trupova brojlera

Uticaj selena organskog i neorganskog porekla i različite količine vitamina E na sadržaj selena i masnokiselinski sastav mesa brojlera

Primena organskog oblika selena u hranidbi brojlera

Subakutna acidoza buraga visokomlečnih krava – prevencija i prevalencija

Ishrana i plodnost svinja

Proizvodne bolesti visoko mlečnih krava

Uticaj različitih stimulatora rasta na zdravstveno stanje i proizvodne rezultate brojlera u tovu

Perspektiva veštačkog osemenjavanja svinja duboko zamrznutom spermom nerastova kao merom biosigurnosti u unapređenju tehnologije proizvodnje svinja

Uticaj selena organskog i neorganskog porekla i različite količine vitamina E na proizvodne rezultate brojlera

Prilog poznavanju reproduktivnog i zdravstvenog statusa svinja intenzivnog odgoja

Deep freesing of boar´s semen

Other papers

Uticaj selena organskog i neorganskog porekla dodatog u hranu na kvalitet sperme nerastova

Povezanost pojave kliničkih i subkliničkih mastitisa sa bioklimatskim faktorima i higijenom držanja mlečnih krava u slobodnom sistemu držanja

Preveniranje acidoze buraga upotrebom smeša sa puferskim dejstvom

Bulevar oslobodjenja 18, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia, phone: +381 11 3615 436, fax: +381 11 2685 936

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