
prof. dr Vlado Teodorović

redovni profesor


Books and bibiliographies

Higijena i tehnologija mesa

Higijena i tehnologija mesa, Praktikum

Hemijski i fizički zagađivači namirnica animalnog porekla

Papers in journals with SCI list

Biogenic amine content during the production and ripening of Sremski kulen, Serbian traditional dry fermented sausage

Screening and Molecular Characterization of Hepatitis E Virus in Slaughter Pigs in Serbia

Biochemical composition and biometric parameters of Mytilus galloprovincialis from Boka Kotorska Bay in Southern Adriatic Sea


The effects of a phytogenic additive on the histomorphometric characteristics of the intestines in weaned pigs with a subclinical natural infection with Lawsonia intracellularis

The effects of a phytogenic additive on the histomorphometric characteristics of the intestines in weaned pigs with a subclinical natural infection with Lawsonia intracellularis

Fatty acid profile as a discriminatory tool for the origin of lamb muscle and adipose tissue from different pastoral grazing areas in North Macedonia

Slaughterline records of various postmortem pathological lesions and their influence on carcass and meat quality in slaughtered pigs

Molecular characterization of Listeria monocytogenes isolates from a small-scale meat processor in Montenegro, 2011-2014

Content of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Smoked Common Carp (Cyprinus Carpio) in Direct Conditions Using Different Filters vs Indirect Conditions

Inhibition of Listeria monocytogenes growth on vacuum packaged rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) with carvacrol and eugenol.

Qualität der Rohwurst Sremski Kulen Produktion unter traditionellen und industriellen Bedingungen in Serbien

Influence of Environmental Conditions on Norovirus Presence in Mussels Harvested in Montenegro

Detection of icaA and icaD genes of Staphylococcus aureus isolated in case of bovine mastitis

Determination of heavy metals in muscle tissue of six fish species with different feeding habits from the Danube River, Belgrade-public health and environmental risk assessment

Detection of icaA and icaD genes of Staphylococcus aureus isolated in cases of bovine mastitis in the Republic of Serbia

Effect of sunflower, linseed and soybean meal in pig diet on chemical composition, fatty acid profile of meat and backfat, and its oxidative stability


Effect of sunflower, leenseed and soybean meal in piglet diet on chemical composition, fatty acid profile of meat and backfat, and its oxidative stability

A large-scale study of the Trichinella genus in the golden jackal (Canis aureus) population in Serbia

Cadmium and mercury accumulation in European hare (Lepus europaeus): age-dependent relationships in renal and hepatic tissue

Antibiotic resistence and molecular studies on Salmonella enterica subspecies enterica serovar infantis isolated in human cases and broiler carcasses

The Wolf (Canis lupus) as an Indicator Species for the Sylvatic Trichinella Cycle in the Central Balkans

Effects of various meal compositions on production results, economic performance and fish meat quality

Morphology investigation of the mink-s brain (Mustela Vision)

Environmental Cd and Zn Concentracions in Liver and Kidney of European Hare from Different Serbian Regions: Age and Tissue Differences

Behavior of Salmonella typhimurium in pork minced meat and pork skin at different storage temperatures.

Investigation oh the efficacy immunocastration aimed at the prevention of sex odour in boar meat,

First report of Trichinella britovi in Serbia

Environmental prevalence and persistence of Listeria monocytogenes in cold-smoked trout processing plants

MRSA in pigs in Serbia

Einfluss von Probiotika auf die Mastleistung von Broilern

Microbial status of Serbian pigs

Occurence of Campylobacter spp. in lamb meat and lamb liver

Can electrophoretics types of Listeria monocytogenes induce different sensitivity to lactic acid bacteria bacteriocins?

Different sensitivity of various serotypes of Listeria monocytogenes to lactic acid bacteria bacteriocins

Isolation of motile Aeromonas spp. from fish and their cytotoxic effect on vero cell cultures

Effect of disinfectants on different strains of Listeria monocytogenes

Biogenic amines formation by tissue enzymes and pH value in the mixtyre prepared for raw sausages

Effect of disinfectants on different strains of Listeria monocytogenes,

Sensitivity variations of Listeria monocytogenes types related to the lactic acid bacteria bacteriocins

The effects of pH on tyramine production in fermented sausages,

The genotoxic effects of alphachlorhydrin in BALB/C laboratory mice

A study of factors influencing histamine production in meat

Effects of gluconodeltalactone and Lactobacillus plantarum on the production of histamine and tyramine in fermented sausages

Papers in journals outside the SCI list

Prevalence of Salmonella enterica in slaughtered pigs in Serbia: Serotyping, PFGE-genotyping and antimicrobial resistance

Blood parameters, carcass and meat quality of slaughter pigs with and without liver milk spots

Quality assessment of Srpska sausage from nine different manufacturers in Serbia

The interactive effects of transportation and lairage time on welfare indicators, carcass and meat quality traits in slaughter pigs

Economic evaluation of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) farming fed with different composition feed

Znacaj i upotreba nanopakovanja u industriji hrane

Economic evaluation of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) farming fed with different composition feed

Nutritivni faktori kao uzroci poremećaja u reprodukciji domaćih životinja

Nutritivni faktori kao uzroci poremećaja u reprodukciji domaćih životinja

Food hygiene – flexibility in traditional and small meat establishments.

Safety aspects of nanotechnology applications in food packaging

Tendencija razvoja ribarstva i potrošnja ribe u Srbiji

Distribucija i tendencija kretanja trihineloze kod divljih svinja (Sus scrofa) na području R Srbije

Ispitivanje mesnatosti trupova svinja u Srbiji

Ocena uslova dobrobiti svinja tokom omamljivanja u odnosu na dan u nedelji

Istorijski osvrt na higijenu i tehnologiju mesa

Nalaz salmonela na površinama u stočnom depou i boksu za omamljivanje svinja.

Potencijalne biološke opasnosti od značaja za HACCP planove u procesu obrade sveže ribe

Značaj salmonela u proizvodnji mesa svinja. 2008. Veterinarski glasnik

Kontrola Listeria monocytogenes u pogonima za proizvodnju hrane

Kontrola Listeria monocytogenes u pogonima za proizvodnju hrane

Other papers

Funkcionalna fermentisana kobasica sa inulinom i lanenim uljem „Light-omega“

Prenatalna determinacija pola fetusa goveda detekcijom slobodno-cirkulišuće fetalne DNK, upotrebom real-time lančane reakcije polimeraze (real-time PCR)

Bulevar oslobodjenja 18, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia, phone: +381 11 3615 436, fax: +381 11 2685 936

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