
prof. dr Mirjana Dimitrijević

redovni profesor
Katedra za higijenu i tehnologiju namirnica animalnog porekla
062/802 50 40


14D2I05 Metode ispitivanja namirnica
14D2I62 Alimentarne infekcije i intoksikacije
14D2I64 Hemijski i fizički zagađivači namirnica animalnog porekla
14I4O08 Osnove higijene namirnica animalnog porekla
14I5O05 Higijena i tehnologija mesa
14I6IO08 Higijena i tehnologija namirnica animalnog porekla 4
14I6O05 Kontrola namirnica animalnog porekla
14S1I04 Sastav i osobine namirnica animalnog porekla
14S1I15 Bezbednost namirnica animalnog porekla
14S1I16 Metode ispitivanja namirnica animalnog porekla


Books and bibiliographies

Higijena i tehnologija mesa

Higijena i tehnologija mesa, Praktikum

Hemijski i fizički zagađivači namirnica animalnog porekla

Papers in journals with SCI list

Biogenic amine content during the production and ripening of Sremski kulen, Serbian traditional dry fermented sausage

Screening and Molecular Characterization of Hepatitis E Virus in Slaughter Pigs in Serbia

Production of traditional meat products in small and micro establishments in Serbia: current status and future perspectives

The effects of season on health, welfare, and carcass and meat quality of slaughter pigs

Biochemical composition and biometric parameters of Mytilus galloprovincialis from Boka Kotorska Bay in Southern Adriatic Sea

Identifying Physiological Stress Biomarkers for Prediction of Pork Quality Variation

Fatty acid profile as a discriminatory tool for the origin of lamb muscle and adipose tissue from different pastoral grazing areas in North Macedonia

Slaughterline records of various postmortem pathological lesions and their influence on carcass and meat quality in slaughtered pigs

Inulin-based emulsion-filled gel as a fat replacer in prebiotic- and PUFA-enriched dry fermented sausages

Molecular characterization of Listeria monocytogenes isolates from a small-scale meat processor in Montenegro, 2011-2014

Determination of the fatty acids in fish tissue and feed—comparison of different methods and statistical evaluation

Inulin-based emulsion-filled gel as a fat replacer in prebiotic- and PUFA-enriched dry fermented sausages

Survival of Salmonella spp. in minced meat packaged under vacuum and modified atmosphere

Qualität der Rohwurst Sremski Kulen Produktion unter traditionellen und industriellen Bedingungen in Serbien

Zwei verschiedene Starterkulturen als potenzielle Inhibitoren von L. monocytogenes in Rohwürsten

Inhibition of Listeria monocytogenes growth on vacuum packaged rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) with carvacrol and eugenol.

Detection of icaA and icaD genes of Staphylococcus aureus isolated in cases of bovine mastitis in the Republic of Serbia

Influence of Environmental Conditions on Norovirus Presence in Mussels Harvested in Montenegro

Fettsäurezusammensetzung von Lammfleisch aus verschiedenen Weidengebieten Mezedoniens

Detection of icaA and icaD genes of Staphylococcus aureus isolated in case of bovine mastitis

Effects of various pre-slaughter conditions on pig carcasses and meat quality in a low-input slaughter facility

Qualität und Mikroflora von funktionellen Rohwürsten

Effects of various pre-slaughter conditions on pig carcasses and meat quality in a low-input slaughter facility

A large-scale study of the Trichinella genus in the golden jackal (Canis aureus) population in Serbia

Effect of modified atmosphere and vacuum packing on selected chemical parameters of rainbow trout (Oncorchynchus mykiss) and carp (Cyprinus carpio) cuts freshness

Behavior of Salmonella typhimurium in pork minced meat and pork skin at different storage temperatures.

Blood serum status in broilers fed with increasing concentracions of ochratoxin A

Environmental Cd and Zn Concentracions in Liver and Kidney of European Hare from Different Serbian Regions: Age and Tissue Differences

Presence of Listeria spp in fish samples, fish products and sea products

Environmental prevalence and persistence of Listeria monocytogenes in cold-smoked trout processing plants

Effect of fish freezing on selected parameters of smoked product quality

Inhibitory Effect of Select Nitrocompounds on Growth and Survivability of Listeria monocytogenes In Vitro

Can electrophoretics types of Listeria monocytogenes induce different sensitivity to lactic acid bacteria bacteriocins?

Different sensitivity of various serotypes of Listeria monocytogenes to lactic acid bacteria bacteriocins

Isolation of motile Aeromonas spp. from fish and their cytotoxic effect on vero cell cultures

Can food-related environmental factors induce different behavior in two key serovars, 4b and ½ a of Listeria monocytogenes?

Effect of disinfectants on different strains of Listeria monocytogenes,

Sensitivity variations of Listeria monocytogenes types related to the lactic acid bacteria bacteriocins

Papers in journals outside the SCI list

Sustainable meat production

Levels and accumulation of selected heavy metals in the One Health approach

Sustainability of shellfish aquaculture in Montenegro - perspectives

Seasonal variation in the nutrient composition of mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis) from farms in Boka Kotorska Bay, Southern Adriatic Sea

Sustainability of shellfish aquaculture in Montenegro-perspectives

Seasonal variation in the nutrient composition of mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis)  from farms in Boka Kotorska Bay, Southern Adriatic Sea.

Blood parameters, carcass and meat quality of slaughter pigs with and without liver milk spots

The interactive effects of transportation and lairage time on welfare indicators, carcass and meat quality traits in slaughter pigs

UPLC-MS/MS determination of histamine levels in canned fish collected from Belgrade retail markets

Znacaj i upotreba nanopakovanja u industriji hrane

Food hygiene – flexibility in traditional and small meat establishments.

Safety aspects of nanotechnology applications in food packaging

Identification of lactic acid bacteria isolated from Serbian traditional fermented sausages Sremski and Lemeski kulen

Uticaj pakovanja u modifikovanoj atmosferi i vakuumu na očuvanje senzornih svojstava odrezaka šarana (Cyprinus carpio)

Polinezasićene masne kiseline u mesu riba i njihov značaj za zdravlje ljudi

Polinezasićene masne kiseline u mesu ribe i njihov značaj za zdravlje ljudi

Ispitivanje uslova transporta svinja do klanice

Distribucija i tendencija kretanja trihineloze kod divljih svinja (Sus scrofa) na području R Srbije

Uticaj prethodne obrade pastrmke zamrzavanjem na karakteristike fileta dimljene pastrmke

Investigation of the possibility of detection of fluoroquinolones in carp kidney by microbiological diffusion method

Ispitivanje mikrobiološke kontaminacije površina koje dolaze u kontakt sa mesom u objektu za preradu mesa

Nalaz salmonela na površinama u stočnom depou i boksu za omamljivanje svinja.

Istorijski osvrt na higijenu i tehnologiju mesa

Nalaz salmonela na trupovima svinja u toku klanja i obrade

Salmonella on pig carcassess during slaughter and processing

Hrana i večna briga za zdravlje

Potencijalne biološke opasnosti od značaja za HACCP planove u procesu obrade sveže ribe

Uticaj zamrzavanja ribe na odabrane parametre kvaliteta dimljenog proizvoda

Kontrola Listeria monocytogenes u pogonima za proizvodnju hrane

Kontrola Listeria monocytogenes u pogonima za proizvodnju hrane

Značaj salmonela u proizvodnji mesa svinja. 2008. Veterinarski glasnik

HACCP u proizvodnji suve šunke

Bulevar oslobodjenja 18, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia, phone: +381 11 3615 436, fax: +381 11 2685 936

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