
dr Milica Glišić

naucni saradnik
Katedra za higijenu i tehnologiju namirnica animalnog porekla


Papers in journals with SCI list

Einfluss von phytogenen Futtermittelzusätzen auf die Leistung, Schlachtkörpermerkmale, Darmmorphologie und die sensorischen Eigenschaften von Broilern

Anti-staphylococcal effect of cinnamaldehyde in milk

Seasonal Prevalence of Shiga Toxin-Producing Escherichia coli on Pork Carcasses for Three Steps of the Harvest Process at Two Commercial Processing Plants in the United States

The effect of oregano (Origanum vulgare) essential oil on four Salmonella serovars and shelf life of refrigerated pork meat packaged under vacuum and modified atmosphere

Performance, intestinal histomorphology and bone composition of broiler chickens fed diets supplemented with genistein

The European Union control strategy for Campylobacter spp. in the broiler meat chain

The effects of a phytogenic additive on the histomorphometric characteristics of the intestines in weaned pigs with a subclinical natural infection with Lawsonia intracellularis

Inulin-based emulsion-filled gel as a fat replacer in prebiotic- and PUFA-enriched dry fermented sausages

Antioxidative activity of thyme (Thymus vulgaris) and oregano (Origanum vulgare) essential oils and their effect on oxidative stability of minced pork packaged under vacuum and modified atmosphere

Effect of dietary supplementation with medium chain fatty acids on growth performance, intestinal histomorphology, lipid profile and intestinal microflora of broiler chickens

Performances, ileal and cecal microbial populations and histological characteristics in broilers fed diets supplemented with lignocellulose

Content of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Smoked Common Carp (Cyprinus Carpio) in Direct Conditions Using Different Filters vs Indirect Conditions

Inhibition of Salmonella by thyme essential oil and its effect on microbiological and sensory properties of minced pork meat packaged under vacuum and modified atmosphere

Papers in journals outside the SCI list

Pathomorphological and meat quality alterations connected with wooden breast in broiler chickens of different genotypes and slaughter ages

White and honey Chlorella vulgaris: Sustainable ingredients with the potential to improve nutritional value of pork frankfurters without compromising quality

Antimicrobial activity of ethanolic extracts from wheat, sunflower and maize crop residues

Biosecurity and lairage time versus pork meat quality traits in a farm-abattoir continuum

Advantages of sodium butyrate in weaned piglet diet

Reduction of microbiota in marinated vacuum-packages poultry breast fillets

Characterization of Bosnia and Herzegovina honey according to their physico-chemical properties during 2016-2017

Značaj tritikalea u ishrani životinja

Stop salmonelozi u vrticima poreklom iz hrane

Quality assessment of Srpska sausage from nine different manufacturers in Serbia

Effect of commercial starter cultures on survival of Yersinia enterocolitica and microbiological status of Sremska sausages

The impact of triticale diet on production characteristics and meat quality in pigs

Effect of different sodium butyrate levels in weaned pig diet on the antioxidant capacity of selected organs

Utjecaj dodatka pripravka eteričnih ulja DIGESTAROM® POULTRY na zdravstveno stanje i proizvodne rezultate brojlera

Relationship between body mass index and body fat Percentage among adolescents from Serbian Republic

Ispitivanje mesnatosti trupova brojlera

Značaj informisanja potrošača pri izboru namirnica

Brza hrana u ishrani adolescenata

Utjecaj preparata srednje lančanih masnih kiselina-„Aromabiotik“ u hranidbi na proizvodne rezultate brojlera

Other papers

Abattoir Hygiene

Funkcionalna fermentisana kobasica sa inulinom i lanenim uljem „Light-omega“

Uticaj upotrebe izoflavona u ishrani na proizvodne rezultate i biološke parametre brojlera

Nanotechnology and Plant Extracts as a Future Control Strategy for Meat and Milk Products

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