
др Момчило Михајловић


Књиге и библиографије


Veterinarska fiziologija

Радови у часописима са SCI листе

Selenium and malondialdehyde content and glutathione peroxidase activity in maternal and umbilical cord blood and amniotic fluid

Selenium content in feedstuffs in Vojvodina (Serbia)

Selenium content in feedstuffs in Serbia

Selenium status of patients with Balkan endemic nephropathy

Effect of different preparetions containing selenium and vitamin E on selenium status and reproductive performance of goats

Радови у часописима ван SCI листе

Antioxidant status of patients with acute myocardial infarction

Blood and plasma selenium and GSHPx activities in patients with arterial hypertension and chronic hearth disease

Selen u etiologiji balkanske endemske nefropatije (BEN)

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