
проф. др Татјана Божић

редовни професор


Књиге и библиографије

Praktikum iz patološke fiziologije domaćih životinja

Patološka fiziologija domaćih životinja

Радови у часописима са SCI листе

Serum amyloid A isoforms in serum and milk from cows with Staphylococcus aureus subclinical mastitis

Cultivation of hamster bone marow haematopoietic and progenitor cells

Concentration of trace elements in blood and feed of homebred animals in Southern Serbia

A study on oxidative stress and complete blood count of sheep bred in the area exposed to depleted uranium (DU) ammunition

Expression of α-SMA, desmin and vimentin in canine liver with fibrosis

A study on oxidative stress and peripheral blood parameters of cows bred in the area exposed to depleted uranium ammunition

Toluene mediated oxidative stress and granulo-monocitopoiesis

Thyroid gland function in the laboratory (b/b) rat

Acute phase proteins in cows

Relationship of serum copper and ceruloplasmin (Cp) concentrations in cows

Радови у часописима ван SCI листе

Influence of oxidative stress on disease development

The effects of chronic poisoning with trichlorphon on contractility and CAMP level in the isolated papillary muscle of the dog

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