
проф. др Никола Крстић

редовни професор
Катедра за радиологију и радијациону хигијену
062/802 50 14


14Д1О02Експерименталне животиње и експериментални модели
14Д2И15Радиолошка, ултразвучна и ендоскопска дијагностика
14Д2И16Физикална терапија
14И4И03Физикална терапија
14И4О01Радиолошка, ултразвучна и ендоскопска дијагностика
14С1И06Инструменталне методе дијагностике и терапије обољења животиња


Књиге и библиографије

Fizički principi radiološke i ultrazvučne dijagnostike

Dijagnostika i terapija oboljenja konja

Praktikum iz rendgenologije za studente veterinarske medicine

Радови у часописима са SCI листе

Severe traumatic lesions in the Late Neolithic cattle from the site of At-Vršac, Serbia

Animal diseases in the Central Balkan Eneolithic (ca. 4500–2500 BC)—A diachronic perspective on the site of Bubanj, south-eastern Serbia

Voxel model of a rabbit: assessment of absorbed doses in organs after CT examination performed by two different protocols

Spatial Subchondral Bone Density Reflecting Joint Loading of the Talus in Different Canidae

Influence of absorbed radiation dose following computed tomography on the antioxidative status in rabbit testicles

Natural and anthropogenic radioactivity in the environment of Kopaonik mountain, Serbia

Paleopathological and radiological examination of the Avar period horse bones from central Balkans (Serbia)

Efficiency of sepiolite in broilers diet as uranium adsorbent

Paleopathological study of Cattle and Horse bone remains of the Ancient Roman city of Sirmium

Skin and skeletal system lesions of european pond turtles (Emys orbicularis) from natural habitats

Cyclosporine A (CsA) treatment of chronic autoimmune-mediated keratoconjunctivitis sicca in dogs

Incidence patterns of ectodermic lesions in wild populations of Common Wall Lizard (Podarcis muralis)

Morphological, Immunophenotypic and Clinical Characteristics of Dogs with Lymphocytic - Plasmacytic Duodenitis

Testing the effect of different electrotherapeutic procedures in the treatment of canine ankylosing spondylitis

X-ray craniometric and X-ray cephalometric determination of angular parameters in German shepherd dogs

Radiological assesment of apex formation following use of hydroxy apatite

Радови у часописима ван SCI листе

Tibial plateau angle measurement in dogs - Comparison of three different methods

Radiološki pregled zuba kunića – tehnike pregleda i interpretacija snimki

The Role of Tibial Plateau Angle in Canine Cruciate Ligament Rupture – A Review of the Literature


Craniomandibular osteopathy in a golden jackal (Canis aureus)

A case study of vertebral fusion in a 19th-century horse from Serbia

Effects of experimentally irradiated pituitary gland on some morphological parameters of rats’ head, body and tibia

Spavin in red deer: A case study from the Early Neolithic Blagotin, Serbia

Efficiency of modified therapeutic protocol in the treatment of some varieties of canine cardiovascular dirofilariasis

Rendgenska dijagnostika najčešćih oboljenja periodoncijuma pasa i mačaka

Endodontska terapija kao metod u sanaciji poremećene okluzije politraumatizovane gornje i donje vilice mačke

Manifestacije oboljenja zglobova domaćih mesojeda u rendgenskoj slici

Рендгенска, ултразвучна и ендоскопска дијагностика одређених обољења желуца код паса

Dijagnostika i terapija oboljenja usne duplje malih domaćih životinja

Endoskopska, radiološka i patomorfološka dijagnostika prisustva stranog tela u jednjaku

Ендоскопска, радиолошка и патоморфолошка дијагностика присуства страног тела у једњаку

Oboljenja parodoncijuma mačaka

Radiološko ispitivanje motiliteta alimentarnog tubusa cvergla (Amiurus neobulosis)

Rendgenološka diferencijalna dijagnostika oboljenja kukova kod pasa

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