
проф. др Владимир Нешић

редовни професор
Катедра за судску ветеринарску медицину и законске прописе


14Д2И55Судска ветеринарска медицина и прописи у ветеринарству
14И6О01Судска ветеринарска медицина
14И6О02Етика и комуникологија у ветеринарској медицини
14И6О04Законски прописи у ветеринарској медицини
14С1О02Стандарди добре ветеринарске праксе


Књиге и библиографије

Техника обдукције животиња са основама танатологије

Радови у часописима са SCI листе

Potential of inter- and intra-species variability of CHD1 gene in birds as a forensic tool

Follicle Stimulating Hormone Receptor Expression In Histologically Normal And Neoplastic Canine Mammary Gland Tissues

Improved DNA-based identification of Cervidae species in forensic investigations

Fusarial Toxins: Secondary Metabolites of Fusarium Fungi

Detection of meat and bone meal in cattle feed and ruminal fluid–comparison and combining of microscopy and polymerase chain reaction

Paleopathological study of Cattle and Horse bone remains of the Ancient Roman city of Sirmium

Efficacy of T-2 toxin detoxifying agent in broiler chickens

Morphological examination of T-2 toxicosis in broilers fed with different feed additives

Efficacy of mineral and organic adsorbent in alleviating harmful effects of zearalenone on performance and health of pigs

Morphological and immunohistochemical assays of surgically removed mammary gland tumors in bitches

Immunohistochemical investigation of the Bursa of Fabricius in chickens experimentally infected by Eimeria tenella

Study of the distribution of CD3-T lymphocytes in caeca of chickens experimentally infected with Eimeria tenella

The influence of a diet of mixed feed containing zeolite on the course of cecal coccidiosis in broilers

Радови у часописима ван SCI листе

Avian tuberculosis in a free-living Eurasian griffon vulture

Congenital thoracic kyphosis caused by hemivertebra in a pug puppy

Mycotoxins as one of the foodborne risks most susceptible to climatic change

Дирофилариоза – патоморфолошки налаз, терапија и превентива

Mikotoksini u živinarskoj proizvodnji

Efficiency of various feed additives on the performance of broilers treated with T-2 toxin

Examination of the efficancy of various feed additives on the pathomorphological changes in broilers treated with T-2 toxin

Evaluation of different feed additives to adsorbe T-2 toxin in vitro

Mycotoxins in poultry production

Forenzički značaj životinjskih ujeda

Борбе животиња – ветеринарско-форензички аспект

Ultrasonografska dijagnostika testisa psa

Изненадно угинуће мачке као последица инфекције узроковане са Dirofilaria immitis

Živinarstvo i sudska veterinarska praksa

Cytokeratin and AgNOR expression in mammary gland tumors of bitchies

Forenzička procena eksperimentalno izazvane cekalne kokcidioze brojlera

Ispitivanje stepena adsorpcije salinomycin-Na od strane modifikovanog klinoptilolita u uslovima in vitro

Otkrivanje, suzbijanje i iskorenjivanje zaraznih bolesti živine – zakonska regulativa

Changes in rat liver affected by T-2 toxin

Forenzička procena nekih oboljenja organa za disanje konja

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