
проф. др Нинослав Ђелић

редовни професор
Катедра за биологију


14Д1О01Молекуларна биологија ћелије
14Д2И33Понашање и молекуларна екологија дивљих животиња
14И1И09Узгој и нега дивљих и егзотичних животиња
14И3О04Ветеринарска генетика


Књиге и библиографије




Хумана генетика

Принципи генетике

Практикум из зоологије

Радови у часописима са SCI листе

Does organic sprouted whole wheat grain flourless bread decreases DNA damage in diabetic patients?

Does organic sprouted whole wheat grain flourless bread decreases DNA damage in diabetic patients?

Nitroso-Oxidative Stress, Acute Phase Response, and Cytogenetic Damage in Wistar Rats Treated with Adrenaline

Nitroso-Oxidative Stress, Acute Phase Response, and Cytogenetic Damage in Wistar Rats Treated with Adrenaline

Genotoxicity of triiodothyronine: effects on Salmonella typhimurium TA100 and human lymphocytes in vitro

Nepeta rtanjensis (Lamiaceae), a plant endemic to the Balkans: Phenolic composition, antioxidant activity, and in vitro antigenotoxic effects in triiodothyronine-induced DNA damage in human lymphocytes

Effects of photopolymerisation on genotoxicity of composite adhesives in the comet assay

Evaluation of cytogenetic and DNA damage in human lymphocytes treated with adrenaline in vitro

Evaluation of DNA Damage in Rat Lymphocytes Exposed to Tulathromycin in Vitro

Evaluation of the antigenotoxic effects of the Royal Sun mushroom Agaricus brasiliensis (Higher Basidiomycetes) in human lymphocytes treated with thymol in the comet assay

Protective effect of dry olive leaf extract in adrenaline induced DNA damage evaluated using in vitro comet assay with human peripheral leukocytes

The investigation of DNA damage induced by adrenaline in human lymphocytes in vitro

Cytogenetic alterations in peripheral cells of Alzheimerʹs disease patients

Induction of micronuclei by cadmium chloride in AO rats depends on age and sex

Analysis of lactoferin gene polymophism and its association to milk quality and mammary gland health in Holstein-Friesian cows

The common iliac artery in the ground squirrel (Citellus citellus)

The effect of different acute concentrations of cadmium chloride on the frequency of micronuclei in AO rats

Evaluation of DNA Damage in the Lymphocytes of Young, Elderly and Alzheimer’s Disease Patients Treated with β-Estradiol in the Comet Assay

Evaluation of the DNA damaging effects of amitraz on human lymphocytes in the Comet assay

Stimulating effect of sugar dusting on honey bee grooming behaviour

Dietary conjugated linoleic acid influences the content of stearinic acid in porcine adipose tissue

Mislocalization of CDK11/PITSLRE, a regulator of the G2/M phase of the cell cycle, in Alzheimer disease

Differential in vivo regulation of TH and DBH mRNA in rat atria by maprotiline and fluoxetine

The influence of pulverised sugar dusting on the degree of infestation of honey bee colonies with Varroa destructor

Evaluation of the effects of ephedrine on human lymphocytes in the comet assay

Premature Centromere Division of Metaphase Chromosomes in Peripheral Blood Lymphocytes of Alzheimer's Disease Patients: Relation to Gender and Age

Analysis of premature centromere division (PCD) of the X chromosome in Alzheimer patients through the cell cycle

Proliferative kinetics of human lymphocytes treated with cloprostenol in vitro

A study on the genotoxic effects of 8-Cl-cAMP on human lymphocytes in vitro.

Premature centromere division of the X chromosome in neurons in Alzheimer's disease

Lack of clastogenic effects of L-thyroxine in whole-blood cultured human lymphocytes

Evaluation of the genotoxic effects of thyroxine using in vivo cytogenetic test on Swiss albino mice

Sister chromatid exchange and micronuclei in human peripheral blood lymphocytes treated with thyroxine in vitro

Analysis of premature centromere division (PCD) of the chromosome 18 in peripheral blood lymphocytes in Alzheimer disease patients

Cell cycle kinetics and cytogenetic changes in human lymphocytes exposed to oestradiol in vitro

Mutagenic activity of estradiol evaluated by an in vitro micronucleus assay

Evalution of the genotoxic effects of Tiamulin S – in vivo

Cytogenetic analysis of the effects of epinephrine on cultured human lymphocytes

Evaluation of mitogenic effects of oxytocin on cultured human lymphocytes

Evaluation of genotoxic effects of ipronidazol (Gastrogal 10®) in cultures of human peripheral blood lymphocytes

Enhanced Sister-Chromatid Exchange Rate in Human Lymphocytes Exposed to 17β Estradiol in Vitro

The effect of the antioxidant catalase on oestrogens, triiodothyronine and noradrenaline in the Comet assay

Analysis of sister-chromatid exchanges and micronuclei in cultured human lymphocytes treated with insulin

Evaluation of cytotoxic and genotoxic effects of permethrin using in vitro micronucleus test

Influence of estradiol on neurons of nucleus basomedialis in the amygdaloid complex of female rats.

Effect of cloprostenol on the mitotic index and SCE frequency in cultures of human lymphocytes

Радови у часописима ван SCI листе

Genotoxic Potential of Thymol on Honey Bee DNA in the Comet Assay

“Slow kill” treatment reduces DNA damage in leukocytes of dogs naturally infected with Dirofilaria immitis

Is the time dimension of the cell cycle re-entry in AD regulated by centromere cohesion dynamics?

In vitro analysis of clastogenic effects of adrenaline on human lymphocytes

In vitro cytogenetic analysis of the effects of oxytocin on human peripheral blood lymphocytes

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