
проф. др Јевросима Стевановић

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Катедра за биологију
062/803 84 10


14Д1О01Молекуларна биологија ћелије
14Д2И30Молекуларно - генетичка дијагностика у ветеринарској медицини
14Д2И31Молекуларни маркери у анализи и детекцији расне припадности и педигреа
14Д2И32Понашање и молекуларна екологија пчела
14Д2И33Понашање и молекуларна екологија дивљих животиња
14И1И09Узгој и нега дивљих и егзотичних животиња
14И1И10Узгој и нега пчела
14И2И05Молекуларно-генетичке методе у ветеринарској медицини
14И3О04Ветеринарска генетика
14С1И01Биотехнологија у ветеринарској медицини


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Радови у часописима са SCI листе

Potential of fumagillin and Agaricus blazei mushroom extract to reduce Nosema ceranae in honey bees

The 60th volume of the Journal of Apicultural Research - a look into the past and future

Potential of fumagillin and Agaricus blazei mushroom extract to reduce Nosema ceranae in honey bees

Potential of inter- and intra-species variability of CHD1 gene in birds as a forensic tool

Effects of Agaricus bisporus mushroom extract on honey bees infected with Nosema ceranae

Effects of Agaricus bisporus mushroom extract on honey bees infected with Nosema ceranae

Honey bee colony winter loss rates for 35 countries participating in the COLOSS survey for winter 2018–2019, and the effects of a new queen on the risk of colony winter loss

The effect of diet types on the some quality characteristics of artificially reared Apis mellifera queens

Banat donkey, a neglected donkey breed from the central Balkans (Serbia)

Exposure of honey bee larvae to thiamethoxam and its interaction with Nosema ceranae infection in adult honey bees.

Response of adult honey bees treated in larval stage with prochloraz to infection with Nosema ceranae

Occurrence of honey bee (Apis mellifera L.) pathogens in commercial and traditional hives

Looking for the causes of and solutions to the issue of honey bee colony losses

Loss rates of honey bee colonies during winter 2017/18 in 36 countries participating in the COLOSS survey, including effects of forage sources

Coexistence of genetically different Varroa destructor in Apis mellifera colonies

Quantitative PCR assessment of Lotmaria passim in Apis mellifera colonies co-infected naturally with Nosema ceranae

The efficacy of two phytogenic feed additives in a control of swine dysentery

Honey bee viruses in Serbian colonies of different strength

The effect of Agaricus brasiliensis extract supplementation on honey bee colonies,

Multi-country loss rates of honey bee colonies during winter 2016/2017 from the COLOSS survey

Efficacy of plant-derived formulation “Argus Ras” in Varroa destructor control

Efficacy of plant-derived formulation “Argus Ras” in Varroa destructor control

Dietary amino acid and vitamin complex protects honey bee from immunosuppression caused by Nosema ceranae

Detection and analysis of new psittacine beak and feather disease virus (PBFDv) nucleotide sequences

New insights into the origin and the genetic status of the Balkan donkey from Serbia

Assessment of 17 microsatellite loci for their use in parentage verification and individual identification in the Balkan donkey breed

Seasonal variations in the activity of selected antioxidant enzymes and malondialdehyde level in worker honey bees

Haplotype identification and detection of mitochondrial DNA heteroplasmy in Varroa destructor mites using ARMS and PCR–RFLP methods

Oxidative stress and DNA damage in horses naturally infected with Theileria equi

Species-specific diagnostics of Apis mellifera trypanosomatids: a nine-year survey (2007-2015) for trypanosomatids and microsporidians in Serbian honey bees

Molecular detection and prevalence of Theileria equi and Babesia caballi in horses of central Balkan

First report of Polycystic kidney disease occurrence in Persian cats in Serbia

Clinical babesiosis and molecular identification of Babesia canis and Babesia gibsoni infections in dogs from Serbia

Evaluation of the antigenotoxic effects of the Royal Sun mushroom Agaricus brasiliensis (Higher Basidiomycetes) in human lymphocytes treated with thymol in the comet assay

Cytological and molecular identification of Haemogregarina stepanowi in blood samples of European pond turtle (Emys orbicularis) from quarantine at Belgrade zoo

Applicability assessment of a standardized microsatellite marker set in endangered Busha cattle

Evaluation of cytogenetic and DNA damage in human lymphocytes treated with adrenaline in vitro

Morphological, biochemical and hematological characterization of endangered balkan donkey breed

A survey of deformed wing virus and acute bee paralysis virus in honey bee colonies from Serbia using real-time RT-PCR

Nosema ceranae and queen age influence the reproduction and productivity of the honey bee colony

The investigation of DNA damage induced by adrenaline in human lymphocytes in vitro

Nosema ceranae DNA in honey bee haemolymph and honey bee mite Varroa destructor

GIS technology in regional recognition of the distribution pattern of multifloral honey: The chemical traits in Serbia

Canine and feline thelaziosis caused by Thelazia callipaeda in Serbia

Variability of the honey bee mite Varroa destructor in Serbia, based on mtDNA analysis

Sex determination in 58 bird species and evaluation of CHD gene as a universal molecular marker in bird sexing

Molecular sex determination of 20 bird species protected in the Republic of Serbia

Feasibility of non-invasive molecular method for sexing of parrots

Validation of 10 microsatellite loci for their use in parentage verification and individual identification in the Yugoslavian Shepherd dog

Evaluation of the DNA damaging effects of amitraz on human lymphocytes in the Comet assay

Characteristics of Nosema ceranae infection in Serbian honey bee colonies

Prevalence and intensity of infection with gastrointestinal nematodes in sheep in eastern Serbia

Stimulating effect of sugar dusting on honey bee grooming behaviour

Prevalence of gastrointestinal helminths in calves in Western Serbia

Genetic variation of Apis mellifera from Serbia inferred from mitochondrial analysis

Dietary conjugated linoleic acid influences the content of stearinic acid in porcine adipose tissue

Dominance of Nosema ceranae in honey bees in the Balkan countries in the absence of symptoms of colony collapse disorder

The influence of pulverised sugar dusting on the degree of infestation of honey bee colonies with Varroa destructor

Safety assessment of sugar dusting treatments by analysis of hygienic behavior in honey bee colonies

Biogeographic study of the honey bee (Apis mellifera L.) from Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Republic of Macedonia Based on mitochondrial DNA analyses

Heritability of grooming behaviour in grey honey bees (Apis mellifera carnica)

Evaluation of 11 microsatellite loci for their use in paternity testing in Yugoslav Pied cattle (YU Simmental cattle)

The effect of paclitaxel alone and in combination with cycloheximide on the frequency of premature centromere division in vitro

Cytogenetic effects of 8-Cl-cAMP on human and animal chromosomes

Microsatellite DNA polymorphism and its usefulness for pedigree verification in Simmental cattle from Serbia

Variability in germination and in temperature and storage resistance among Paenibacillus larvae genotypes

In vitro evaluation of the clastogenicity of fumagillin

Heritability of hygienic behavior in grey honey bees (Apis mellifera carnica)

Evaluation of genotoxic effects of fumagillin by cytogenetic tests in vivo

Analysis of mitochondrial DNA in honey bees (Apis mellifera) from Serbia

Evaluation of genotoxic effects of Apitol® (cymiazole hydrochloride) in vitro by measurement of sister chromatid exchange

Behavioural defenses of the honey bee ecotype from Sjenica – Pester against Varroa destructor

Chromosomal diversity in Apis mellifera carnica from Serbia

Genotoxicity potential of 8-Cl-cyclic adenosine monophosphate assessed with cytogenetic test in vivo

Analysis of sister chromatid exchanges in cultured human lymphocytes treated with cymiazole hydrochloride

Influence of cymiazole hydrochloride on mitotic and proliferative activities of cultured human lymphocytes

Investigations of hygienic behaviour and disease resistance in organic beekeeping of two honeybee ecogeographic varieties from Serbia

Biodiversity of the honeybee Apis mellifera, Linne (1758), from some Yugoslav regions: II – Ultrastructural chromosomal differences between Banat and Syenichko-Peshterski honeybee ecotypes

Радови у часописима ван SCI листе

Genotoxic Potential of Thymol on Honey Bee DNA in the Comet Assay

Evaluation of genotoxic and genoprotective effects of Agaricus bisporus extract on AmE-711 honey bee cell line in the Comet assay

Evaluation of genotoxic and genoprotective effects of Agaricus bisporus extract on AmE-711 honey bee cell line in the Comet assay

Diet supplementation helps honey bee colonies in combat infections by enhancing their hygienic behaviour

Preliminary trials on effects of lithium salts on Varroa destructor, honey and wax matrices

Honey bee colony winter loss rates for 35 countries participating in the COLOSS survey for winter 2018–2019, and the effects of a new queen on the risk of colony winter loss

Use of thymol in Nosema ceranae control and health improvement of infected honey bees

Spatial clusters of Varroa destructor control strategies in Europe

Contact varroacidal efficacy of lithium citrate and its influence on viral loads, immune parameters and oxidative stress of honey bees in a field experiment

Остали радови

Suplement za prihranu pčela na bazi vodenog ekstrakta gljive Agaricus bisporus

Prenatalna determinacija pola fetusa goveda detekcijom slobodno-cirkulišuće fetalne DNK, upotrebom real-time lančane reakcije polimeraze (real-time PCR)

VaroLiTom - ekološka formulacija suplementa za pčele sa izrazitim akaricidnim efektom na pčelinjeg krpelјa Varroa destructor

Булевар ослобођења 18, 11000 Београд, Србија, тел: +381 11 3615 436, факс: +381 11 2685 936

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