
dr Dušan Gledić


Knjige i bibliografije

Veterinarska fiziologija

Veterinarska fiziologija

Veterinarska fiziologija

Veterinarska fiziologija

Radovi u časopisima sa SCI liste

Follicle Stimulating Hormone Receptor Expression In Histologically Normal And Neoplastic Canine Mammary Gland Tissues

Effects of maternal hypothyroidism on the ovaries of pubertal rats

Role of hepatic stellate cells (HSCs) in development of hepatic fibrosis in cats with polycystis kidney disease (PKD)

Expression of α-SMA, desmin and vimentin in canine liver with fibrosis

Localization of monoamine positive structures in the ovary and oviduct of developing rats

Follicular development and atresia in the ovaries of thyroxine treated juvenile rats

Radovi u časopisima van SCI liste

The influence of long term sound stress on histological structure of immune organs in broiler chickens

Telesna masa, masa slezine i nivo tireoidnih hormona kod juvenilnih hipotireoidnih pacova

Apoptoza kao način prirodnog odumiranja ćelija jajnika

Uticaj hipotireoidizma na razvoj mozga pacova.

The pituitary cells of infantile rats after thyroxine treatment

Ostali radovi

Some neuroendocrine aspects of hypothyreoidism in juvenile rats. Basic and clinical aspects of the theory of functional systems.

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