
prof. dr Miodrag Lazarević

redovni profesor
062/803 84 20


Knjige i bibliografije

Internacionalizacija i kako do nje

Veterinarska fiziologija

Veterinarska fiziologija

Veterinarska fiziologija

Bolesti kože malih životinja

Kućni ljubimci i vaše zdravlje

Veterinarska fiziologija

Radovi u časopisima sa SCI liste

Insight in leptin gene polymorphism and impact on milk traits in autochtonous Busha cattle

The effect of tannin supplementation of mid-lactation dairy cows diets on metabolic profile parameters and production characteristics

Influence of different seasons during late gestation on Holstein cows colostrum and postnatal adaptive capability of their calves

Evaluation of criteria for diagnosis of atopic dermatitis and detection of allergen specific ig E antibodies in dogs allergic to Ambrosia artemisifolia pollen

The influence of antisperm Ig G and Ig A antibodies from cows sera and cervical mucus on bull sperm motility

Effect of peripartum dietary energy supplementation on thyrod hormons, insulin-like growth factor I and its binding proteins in early lactation dairy cows

Comparative analysis of some serum proteins and immunoglobulin concentration in the blood of Yugoslav Trotter mares and newborn foals

Endometritis therapy in sows by intrauterine instillation of yeast cell wall solution

Efficacy of T-2 toxin detoxifying agent in broiler chickens

Hormonal status and regulation of glycemia in neonatal calves during the first hours of postnatal life

Effect of gut active carbohydrates on plasma IgG concentrations in piglets and calves

The effect of the extract of rhizome and root of hellebore (Helleborus odorus W. E TK.) on parameters of white blood count and degree of phagocytosis in wistar rats

The role of Ambrosia artemisiifolia allergen in canine atopic dermatitis

Microsatellite DNA polymorphism and its usefulness for pedigree verification in Simmental cattle from Serbia

The influence of bovine thymic extract on the immune response in irradiated Wistar rats

Influence of various adsorbents on basic physiological parameters in rats acutely intoxicated by T-2 toxin: a comparative study

Effects of peroral insulin and glucose on circulating insulin-like growth factor-1, its binding proteins and thyroid hormones in neonatal calves

The influence of organic and inorganic Fe supplementation on red blood picture, immune response and quality of iron in organs of broiler chickens

The influence of different feed aditives to performances and immune response in broiler chicken

The influence of thymic extract on hematological parameter values in irradiated rats

Open days period and antispermatozoal antibodies in artificially inseminated cows

Cutaneous basophil hypersensitivity reaction to phytohemagglutinin in repeat breeder cows

Antisperm antibodies of the Ig A class in the cervical mucus and sera of artificially inseminated cows

The presence of naturally occurring antisperm antibodies in the sera of prepubertal calves

Levamisole modulatates experimental autoimmune encephalomyelytis (EAE) in DA rats

Serum and urine laboratory analyses in dogs with gentamicin induced acute renal failure

The influence of long term sound stress on the blood leukocyte count, heterophil/lymphocyte ratio and cutaneous basophyl hypersensitive reaction to phytohemagglutinin in broiler chickens.

The influence of bovine seminal plasma on BHV-1, EHV-1, BVD and Morbus Aujeszky virus replication in vitro

Immunomodulatory effects of extracellular secretory vesicles isolated from bovine semen.

The influence of bovine seminal plasma fractions obtained by DEAE - Sephacel chromatography on bovine lymphocyte blastogenesis

Bovine seminal plasma inhibition of immune complex precipitation

Reaction of chromatin to bull seminal plasma and its fractions

The influence of bovine seminal plasma, egg yolk extender and their mixture on bovine lymphocyte blastogenesis

Radovi u časopisima van SCI liste

Effects of Transport and Holding Stress on Prussian Carp (Carassius gibelio, Bloch, 1782.) Leukogram Pattern

Neutrophil phagocytosis and respiratory burst activity during the transition period and early lactation

Primena pojedinih imunostimulatora u veterinarskoj medicini

Effect of feeding a commercial ammonia binding product De-OdoraseTM on broiler chicken performances

Laparoscopic insemination of sheep in Republic of Serbia

Possibilities of implementing progesterone EIA test in the control of reproduction in dairy cows

Model saradnje repro-centara i laboratorije za reprodukciju u kontroli kvaliteta semena nerastova

INDI_SHEEP TRADI_CHEESE, europski istraživački projekt: održiva proizvodnja tradicionalnih sireva od mlijeka lokalnih pasmina ovaca u regiji: 1. poboljšanje reproduktivnog managementa populacija autohtonih pasmina ovaca, 2. osiguranje higijene i kakvoće sira

Uticaj ekstrakta podzemnih organa Helleborus odorus W. et K. na crvenu krvnu sliku Wistar pacova

The influence of long term sound stress on histological structure of immune organs in broiler chickens

Utjecaj aplikacije Gn-RH - gonadorelina i prostaglandina F2a – dinoprosta na reproduktivne parametre mliječnih krava sa puerperalnim endometritisima

Primena enzimskog imunotesta za određivanje koncentracije progesterona u punom kravljem mleku

Titar antitela protiv antigena spermatozoida bika u krvnom serumu krava i junica sa različitim brojem osemenjavanja

Primena Helleborus L. i drugog bilja u profilaksi i terapiji bolesti životinja

Uticaj različitih aditiva u ishrani brojlera na proizvodne rezultate i klanične parametre

Uticaj organski i neorganski vezanog gvožđa na proizvodne rezultate brojlera

Utjecaj aplikacije gonadorelina u puerperiju na reproduktivne parametre krava

Uticaj ekstrakta rizoma i korena kukureka (Helleborus odorus Waldst. et Kit.) na povećanje odbrambenih sposobnosti organizma

Cutaneous basophil hypersensitivity reaction to phytohemagglutinin in haifers and cows with different reproductive results

The local immune response in cows to sperm and semen extender antigens

Uticaj hroničnog zvučnog stresa na proizvodne rezultate "Hybro" brojlera

Mannan oligosacharides enhance absorption of colostral Ig G in newborn calves and piglets

Imunologija mlečne žlezde

The influence of levamisole on clinical signs and histopathological changes in the brains of DA rats with experimentally induced autoimmune encephalomyelitis

Antitela protiv spermatozoida i njihov značaj u patogenezi neplodnosti žena

Antibodies against bulls sperm cells in the blood serum and cervical mucus of heifers and cows

Spermaglutinini i plodnost junica i krava

Inhibicija precipitacije imunih kompleksa ostvarena delovanjem komplementa iz seruma domaćih životinja

Strukturna organizacija primarnih i sekundarnih limfoidnih organa živine

Vezikulozomi - ekstracelularne imunosupresivne čestice u semenoj plazmi bika

Novi aspekti odnosa sistema komplementa i gameta

Imunofluorescentna reakcija spermatozoida kunića sa serumima ženki parenih sa vezukulektomisanim mužjacima i njihova reproduktivna sposobnost

Osnovne histološke i fiziološke karakteristike kože - komparativni pristup

The female mouse after testis isotransplantation

Histološko i imunohemijsko ispitivanje semenika i pasemenika petlova (Gallus domesticus) posle obostrane vazektomije

Antispermatozoal antibodies in the sera of female rabbits mated with vesiculectomised males

Ostali radovi

Imunologija reprodukcije

Ispitivanje imunomodulatornih svojstava semene plazme bika u in vitro uslovima

REproduktivna sposobnost ženki kunoća sparivanih sa vezikulektomisanim mužjacima i spermaglutinini u njihovom serumu

Bulevar oslobođenja 18, 11000 Beograd, Srbija, tel: +381 11 3615 436, faks: +381 11 2685 936

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