
prof. dr Svetlana Grdović

redovni profesor
Katedra za ishranu i botaniku
062/803 84 04


14D2O03 Zaštita životne sredine
14I1O07 Botanika
14I2I01 Otrovne i lekovite biljke Balkana


Knjige i bibliografije

Praktikum iz botanike

Praktikum iz botanike

Mahovine šireg područja Beograda i njihov bioindikatorski značaj

Krmno bilje

Radovi u časopisima sa SCI liste

Effects of housefly larvae (Musca domestica) dehydrated meal on production performances and sensory properties of broiler meat.

137Cs and 40K in some traditional herbal teas collected in the mountain regions of Serbia

New and interesting bryophyte records for the flora of Serbia

The nutritive value of Valjevac grassland - Zasavica reservation

Biodiversity and traditional sheep grazing in the South Banat region

Effect of phytase supplementation on health status and performance of growing pigs

The analysis of forage quality for organic milk production in Fruška Gora region

Effect of feeding buffering mineral mixture on subacute rumen acidosis and some production traits in dairy cows

Natural and anthropogenic radioactivity of feedstuffs, mosses and soil in the Belgrade environment, Serbia

Radioecological investigation of food of animal origin in Belgrade environment

An ecological approach to bryophytes of beehive yards: is there a bee-moss relationship?

Radovi u časopisima van SCI liste

Aflatoxins in feed


Primena biotehnologije u ishrani životinja

Primena biotehnologije u ishrani životinja

Prirodni radionuklidi u mineralnim đubrivima i obradivom zemljištu

Radioaktivnost mleka u Srbiji od Černobilja 1986. do Fukushime 2011. godine

Hemijski sastav potpunih smeša za ishranu svinja analiziranih u periodu 2007-2009. godine

Efekti upotrebe kreatina kao stimulatora rasta u ishrani živine

Possibilities of organic production in Vojvodina

The Use of Modified Clay in Reduction of 137Cs Deposition in Artificially Contaminated Broilers

Mogućnost korišćenja biljnih ekstrakata dodatih u hranu za preživare u cilju poboljšanja prinosa i kvaliteta proizvoda

Radioaktivnost namirnica na području grada Beograda

Bryophyte diversity within urban areas: case study of the city of Belgrade (Serbia)

Ecological and Distributional consideration of the Bryophyte Vegetation of Urban Areas: Case Study on Belgrade Bryophytes

The moss flora in the central urban area of Belgrade

Mosses like weed in grass area

Sisymbrium irio L. (Brassicaceae) - a new ruderal species in flora of Serbia

Diversity and threat status of the Yugoslav bryoflora

Ostali radovi

Radiocezijum u životnoj sredini planinskih regiona na teritoriji Republike Srbije

Bulevar oslobođenja 18, 11000 Beograd, Srbija, tel: +381 11 3615 436, faks: +381 11 2685 936

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