
prof. dr Milan Baltić

redovni profesor


Knjige i bibliografije

Ishranom životinja do funkcionalne hrane

Kontrola namirnica animalnog porekla

Radovi u časopisima sa SCI liste

Einfluss von phytogenen Futtermittelzusätzen auf die Leistung, Schlachtkörpermerkmale, Darmmorphologie und die sensorischen Eigenschaften von Broilern

Anti-staphylococcal effect of cinnamaldehyde in milk

The effect of oregano (Origanum vulgare) essential oil on four Salmonella serovars and shelf life of refrigerated pork meat packaged under vacuum and modified atmosphere

Performance, intestinal histomorphology and bone composition of broiler chickens fed diets supplemented with genistein

Performance, intestinal histomorphology and bone composition of broiler chickens fed diets supplemented with genistein

Performances, Ileal and Cecal Microbial Populations and Histological Characteristics in Broilers Fed Diets Supplemented with Lignocellulose

Inulin-based emulsion-filled gel as a fat replacer in prebiotic- and PUFA-enriched dry fermented sausages

Antioxidative activity of thyme (Thymus vulgaris) and oregano (Origanum vulgare) essential oils and their effect on oxidative stability of minced pork packaged under vacuum and modified atmosphere

Performances, ileal and cecal microbial populations and histological characteristics in broilers fed diets supplemented with lignocellulose

Inulin-based emulsion-filled gel as a fat replacer in prebiotic- and PUFA-enriched dry fermented sausages

Effect of dietary supplementation with medium chain fatty acids on growth performance, intestinal histomorphology, lipid profile and intestinal microflora of broiler chickens

Seasonal distributions of heavy metal concentrations in different snail (Helix pomatia) tissues from an urban environment in Serbia

Survival of Salmonella spp. in minced meat packaged under vacuum and modified atmosphere

The effects of dietary Selenium-yeast level on glutathione peroxidase activity, tissue Selenium content, growth performance, and carcass and meat quality of broilers.

Zwei verschiedene Starterkulturen als potenzielle Inhibitoren von L. monocytogenes in Rohwürsten

Effect of dietary supplementation with medium chain fatty acids on growth performance, intestinal histomorphology, lipid profile and intestinakl microflora of broiler chickens

Inhibition of Listeria monocytogenes growth on vacuum packaged rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) with carvacrol and eugenol.

Vacuum and modified atmosphere packaging effect on enterobacteriaceae behaviour in minced meat

Changes in spoilage- related robiota of pork and beef minced meat during refrigerated storage under vacuum and modified atmosphere

Inhibition of Salmonella by thyme essential oil and its effect on microbiological and sensory properties of minced pork meat packaged under vacuum and modified atmosphere

Determination of heavy metals in muscle tissue of six fish species with different feeding habits from the Danube River, Belgrade-public health and environmental risk assessment

Anisakis allergy in human

Fatty acid composition in the fillets of rainbow trout grown in different conditions

Effect of sunflower, linseed and soybean meal in pig diet on chemical composition, fatty acid profile of meat and backfat, and its oxidative stability

Analysis of heavy metals concentration in tissues of three different fish species included in human diet from Danube river, in the Belgrade region, Serbia

Effect of sunflower, leenseed and soybean meal in piglet diet on chemical composition, fatty acid profile of meat and backfat, and its oxidative stability

Metal concentrations in water, sediment and three fish species from the Danube River, Serbia> a cause for environmetal

Effects of selenium yeast level in diet on carcass and meat quality, tissue selenium distribution and glutathione peroxidase activity in ducs.

Superficial bacterial contamination of goats carcasses

Effects of various meal compositions on production results, economic performance and fish meat quality

Relationships among pre-slaughter stress, rigor mortis, blood lactate, and meat carcass quality in pigs

Evaluation of Zackel lamb meat quality with the aim of increasing the conservation value of the breed

Hygiene of Smoked Goat Ham Production

Hygiene of Smoked Goat Ham Production

The effects of lairage time and handling procedure prior to slaughter on stress and meat quality parameters in pigs

Relationships among pre-slaughter stress, rigor mortis, blood lactate and meat and carcass quality in pigs

Survival Yersinia enterocolitica in Ground Pork Meat in Different Packages

Correlations among different stress, meat and carcass quality parameters in pigs

Hygiene of smoked goat ham production

Effect of goat breed on the meat quality

Investigation oh the efficacy immunocastration aimed at the prevention of sex odour in boar meat,

Management and control program for suppression and eradikation of classical swine fever in Serbia

Presence of Listeria spp in fish samples, fish products and sea products

Einfluss der Futterung auf die Qualitat von Broilern

Effect of fish freezing on selected parameters of smoked product quality

Einfluss von Probiotika auf die Mastleistung von Broilern

Effects of substitution of fish meal with fresh and dehydrated larvae larvae of the house fly (Musca domestica L) on productiive performance and health of broilers

Effects of selenium supplementation as sodium selenite or selenized yeast and different amounts of vitamin E on selenenium and vitamin E status of broilers


Different sensitivity of various serotypes of Listeria monocytogenes to lactic acid bacteria bacteriocins

Isolation of motile Aeromonas spp. from fish and their cytotoxic effect on vero cell cultures

Biogenic amines formation by tissue enzymes and pH value in the mixtyre prepared for raw sausages

Sensitivity variations of Listeria monocytogenes types related to the lactic acid bacteria bacteriocins

Effects of gluconodeltalactone and Lactobacillus plantarum on the production of histamine and tyramine in fermented sausages

Radovi u časopisima van SCI liste

Antimicrobial activity of ethanolic extracts from wheat, sunflower and maize crop residues

White and honey Chlorella vulgaris: Sustainable ingredients with the potential to improve nutritional value of pork frankfurters without compromising quality

Reduction of microbiota in marinated vacuum-packages poultry breast fillets

Effects of selenium source and level in diet om glutathione peroxidase activity, tissue selenium distribution, and growth performance in poultry

Characterization of Bosnia and Herzegovina honey according to their physico-chemical properties during 2016-2017

Značaj tritikalea u ishrani životinja

Značaj tritikalea u ishrani životinja

Estimation of apparent and true total tract digestibility of phosphorus from monocalcium phosphate in broiler diets

Biopreservation of traditional raw milk cheeses with an emphasis on Serbian artisanal cheeses and their historical production

Quality assessment of Srpska sausage from nine different manufacturers in Serbia

The impact of triticale diet on production characteristics and meat quality in pigs

Effects of dietary selenium yeast concentrations on growth performance and carcass composition of ducks

The relationship between the carcass characteristics and meat composition of young Simental beef cattle

Effect of different sodium butyrate levels in weaned pig diet on the antioxidant capacity of selected organs

Effect of commercial starter cultures on survival of Yersinia enterocolitica and microbiological status of Sremska sausages

The impact of triticale diet on production characteristics and meat quality in pigs

Carcass performance of Simental and Holstein Friesian beef cattle in Serbia

Health aspects of dry-cured ham

Effect of dietary conjugated linoleic acid on chemical and fatty acid composition of pig skeletal muscle and subcutaneous adipose tissue

Ispitivanje mesnatosti trupova brojlera

Effects of dietary selenium -yeast concentrations on growth performance and carcass composition of ducks

Ispitivanje mesnatosti trupova brojlera

Comparative analysis of meat chemical composition of different broiler provenances

Relationship between body mass index and body fat Percentage among adolescents from Serbian Republic

Effect of modified atmosphere and vacuum packaging conditions on selected chemical and physic-chemical parameters of marinated and salted atlantic mackerel (Scomber scombrus)

Microbiological status of minced pork meat in vacuum and modified atmosphere packaging

Utjecaj dodataka pripravka eteričnih ulja Digestarom poultry na zdravstveno stanje i proizvodne rezultate brojlera

Utjecaj dodatka pripravka eteričnih ulja DIGESTAROM® POULTRY na zdravstveno stanje i proizvodne rezultate brojlera

Uticaj svinjskog mesa i masti na zdravlje ljudi

Isoflavones-from biotechnology to functional foods

Correlations among Stress Parameters, Meat and Carcass Quality Parameters in Pigs

Uticaj svinjskog mesa i masti na zdravlje ljudi

Meso pataka u ishrani ljudi

Brza hrana u ishrani adolescenata

Značaj informisanja potrošača pri izboru namirnica

Znacaj i upotreba nanopakovanja u industriji hrane

The effect of different packaging conditions, pH and Lactobacillus spp.on the growth of Yersinia enterocolitica in pork meat

The effect of breed line and age on measurements of pH-value as meat quality parameter in breast muscles (m.pectoralis major) of broiler chickens

Effect of conjugated linoleic acids in pig nutrition on quality of meat

Einfluss unterschiedlicher Mengen an organischem Selen im Futter auf Mastleistung und Schlachtkorperwert von Broilern

Ispitivanje obima, proizvodnje i prometa meda od 2004-2014.godine

Einfluss von organisch gebundenem Selen im Futter auf die Mastleistung von Broilern

Uticaj konjugovane linolne kiseline na masnokiselinski sastav i senzorne osobine suvog svinjskog vrata

Značaj informisanja potrošača pri izboru namirnica

Značaj potrošača pri izboru namirnica

Metal concentration in Muscle Tissue of Carp and Pike from Different Ponds in Belgrade Area

Anisakis infection and allergy in humans

Ishranom životinja do funkcionalne hrane

Obim i struktura ulova i proizvodnje ribe u Srbiji od 2006-2012.godine

Presence of selected microorganisms on meat contact surfaces in the meat cutting facility

Uticaj soljenja i mariniranja na mikrobiološki status i hemijaski status skuše upakovane u modifikovanu atmosferu

Effect of different amounts of organic selenium in the diet on broiler carcass parameters

Bioaktivni peptdi iz mesa i njihov uticaj na zdravlje ljudi

Uticaj soljenja i mariniranja na mikrobiološki status i hemijski sastav skuše upakovane u modifikovanu atmosferu

Uticaj vakuum-pakovanja i pakovanja sa modifikovanom atmosferom na sadržaj ukupnog isparljivog azota i senzornu ocenu mlevenog mesa

Promene kvaliteta mesa koza u procesu dobijanja dimljene šunke. Tehnologija mesa

Uticaj soljenja i mariniranja na mikrobiološki status i hemijski sastav skuše upakovane u modifikovanu atmosferu

Polinezasićene masne kiseline u mesu ribe i njihov značaj za zdravlje ljudi

Analiza obima proizvodnje goveđeg mesa u Srbiji od 1985. do 2011. godine

Bioactive peptides from meat and their influence on human health

Kontrolne mere tokom manipulacije i procesa obrade mesa ribe u cilju prevencije zoonotskih parazitoza

Polinezasićene masne kiseline u mesu riba i njihov značaj za zdravlje ljudi

Promene kvaliteta mesa koza u procesu dobijanja dimljene šunke

Analiza obima proizvodnje goveđeg mesa u Srbiji od 1985-2011

Consumers and Food Safety

Ocena uslova dobrobiti svinja tokom omamljivanja u odnosu na dan u nedelji

Antimikrobna aktivnost etarskih ulja na Salmonella spp.u mesu i proizvodima od mesa

Analysis of poultry meat production volume in Serbia from 1984. to 2009.

Use of essential oils in order to prevent foodborne illnesses caused by pahogens in meat

Use of essential oils in order to prevent foodborne illnesses caused by pathogens in meat

Ispitivanje mikrobiološke kontaminacije površina koje dolaze u kontakt sa mesom u objektu za preradu mesa

Uticaj prethodne obrade pastrmke zamrzavanjem na karakteristike fileta dimljene pastrmke

Investigation of the possibility of detection of fluoroquinolones in carp kidney by microbiological diffusion method

Nanotechnology and its potential applications in meat industry

Nanotehnologija i njena potencijalna primena u industriji mesa

Konjugovana linolna kiselina u ishrani živine

Yersinia enterocolitica- Izvori i putevi kontaminacije trupova svinja

Aktivni sistemi pakovanja mesa i proizvoda od mesa

Tendencija razvoja ribarstva i potrošnja ribe u Srbiji

Kontrolne mere tokom manipulacije i procesa obrade mesa ribe u cilju prevencije zoonotskih parazitoza

Antimikrobna aktivnost etarskih ulja na Salmonella spp. u mesu i proizvodima od mesa

Potrebe salmonidnih vrsta riba u hranljivim materijama

Nalaz salmonela na trupovima svinja u toku klanja i obrade

Nalaz salmonela na površinama u stočnom depou i boksu za omamljivanje svinja.

Effect of lairage conditions and time on pork quality (a review)

Biohemijske karakteristike roda Aeromonas izolovanih iz kalifornijske pastrmke (Oncorhynchus mykiss)

Erhohte Mengen an organisch gebundenem Selen und Vitamin E in der Broilermast

Mlađ i konzumna kalifornijska pastrmka (Oncorhynchus mykiss): hemijski sastav, sadržaj holesterola i masnokiselinski sastav fileta

Salmonella on pig carcassess during slaughter and processing

Istorijski osvrt na higijenu i tehnologiju mesa

Nutrition and meat quality

Ishrana i kvalitet mesa svinja-pogled u budućnost

Hrana i večna briga za zdravlje

Uticaj tufozela, kao dodatka hrani, na mesnatost različitih kategorija svinja

Upotreba povećanih količina organskog oblika selena u ishrani brojlera

Uticaj selena organskog i neorganskog porekla i različite količine vitamina E na sadržaj selena i masnokiselinski sastav mesa brojlera

Uticaj selena i vitamina E na kvalitet i prinosa trupova brojlera

Uticaj zamrzavanja ribe na odabrane parametre kvaliteta dimljenog proizvoda

Uporedna analiza proizvodnje svinjskog mesa i mesnatosti trupova sa farmi i iz otkupa u Srbiji

Primena organskog oblika selena u hranidbi brojlera

Investigation of quality of pork meat from Serbian farms, Meat Technology

Potencijalne biološke opasnosti od značaja za HACCP planove u procesu obrade sveže ribe

Kontrola Listeria monocytogenes u pogonima za proizvodnju hrane

Kontrola Listeria monocytogenes u pogonima za proizvodnju hrane

Uticaj različitih stimulatora rasta na zdravstveno stanje i proizvodne rezultate brojlera u tovu

Značaj salmonela u proizvodnji mesa svinja. 2008. Veterinarski glasnik

Uticaj različitih aditiva u ishrani brojlera na proizvodne rezultate i klanične parametre

Uticaj selena organskog i neorganskog porekla i različite količine vitamina E na proizvodne rezultate brojlera

Uticaj selena i vitamina E na prinos mesa brojlera

Ostali radovi

Nanotechnology and Plant Extracts as a Future Control Strategy for Meat and Milk Products

Meso svinja obogaćeno n-3 masnim kiselinama

Meso svinja obogaćeno konjugovanom linolnom kiselinom-Tehničko rešenje

Bitno poboljšani postojeći proizvod i kategorija-Vršačka šunka

Vršačka šunka

Meso brojlera obogaćeno selenom. "Gaia" selensko pile

Bulevar oslobođenja 18, 11000 Beograd, Srbija, tel: +381 11 3615 436, faks: +381 11 2685 936

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