
Naučno istraživački rad

Bovine foetal sex determination—Different DNA extraction and amplification approaches for efficient livestock production

Uticaj različitih temperatura skladištenja na aktivnost glutation peroksidaza eritrocita i plazme ovaca

Histopathological characteristics and expression of CDV-NP antigen in the brain of serologically positive spontaneously infected red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) in Western Serbia

Cytological and bacteriological testing of infertile mares in Vojvodina district

Effect of uranium on the radiosensitivity of Salmonella spp. in pork meat

Patohistološki i imunohistohemijski parametri značajni za prognozu i terapiju tumora pasa i mačaka

Inulin-based emulsion-filled gel as a fat replacer in prebiotic- and PUFA-enriched dry fermented sausages

Nitroso-Oxidative Stress, Acute Phase Response, and Cytogenetic Damage in Wistar Rats Treated with Adrenaline

Neutrophil phagocytosis and respiratory burst activity during the transition period and early lactation


CA 15134 "GroupHouseNet": Prevalence of tail biting behaviour in Greek pig farms

Behaviour of the beryllium-7 and lead-210 time series measured in Serbia and Slovenia over 1991–2015

Značaj tritikalea u ishrani životinja

Omissions in the disinfection of a craft-slaughterhouse

Poremećaj bilansa vode i elektgrolita

Arsen u ishrani svinja

Application of measures of disnfection, disinsection and rodent control in slaughterhouses

The Danube Region-On Stream with Animal Welfare Assessment in the Last 35 Years: A Review of Research on Animal Welfare Assessment in a Multi-lingual Area in Europe

Skull bone anatomy of the young common hippopotamus (Hippopotamus amphibius)

Značaj pravilnog sprovođenja faza dezinfekcije

Pregled pojedinih oboljenja malih sisara

Experimental evaluation of infection, dissemination, and transmission rates for two West Nile virus strains in European Aedes japonicus under a fluctuating temperature regime

Histološki i imunohistohemijski parametri bitni za klasifikaciju mastocitoma pasa

Upala pliuća-pneumonija teladi i junadi

Senzorne karakteristike i parametri boje sremskog kulena

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