
doc. dr Jasna Lončina

Katedra za higijenu i tehnologiju namirnica animalnog porekla


14I4O08 Osnove higijene namirnica animalnog porekla
14I5IO04 Higijena i tehnologija namirnica animalnog porekla 1
14I5O03 Higijena i tehnologija mleka
14I6O05 Kontrola namirnica animalnog porekla


Radovi u časopisima sa SCI liste

Anti-staphylococcal effect of cinnamaldehyde in milk

Einfluss von phytogenen Futtermittelzusätzen auf die Leistung, Schlachtkörpermerkmale, Darmmorphologie und die sensorischen Eigenschaften von Broilern

The effect of oregano (Origanum vulgare) essential oil on four Salmonella serovars and shelf life of refrigerated pork meat packaged under vacuum and modified atmosphere

Antioxidative activity of thyme (Thymus vulgaris) and oregano (Origanum vulgare) essential oils and their effect on oxidative stability of minced pork packaged under vacuum and modified atmosphere

Tetracycline resistance in lactobacilli isolated from Serbian traditional raw milk cheeses

Effect of dietary supplementation with medium chain fatty acids on growth performance, intestinal histomorphology, lipid profile and intestinal microflora of broiler chickens

MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry for the identification of Serbian artisanal cheeses microbiota

Survival of Salmonella spp. in minced meat packaged under vacuum and modified atmosphere

Performances, ileal and cecal microbial populations and histological characteristics in broilers fed diets supplemented with lignocellulose

Detection of icaA and icaD genes of Staphylococcus aureus isolated in case of bovine mastitis

Vacuum and modified atmosphere packaging effect on enterobacteriaceae behaviour in minced meat

Inhibition of Salmonella by thyme essential oil and its effect on microbiological and sensory properties of minced pork meat packaged under vacuum and modified atmosphere

Enterotoxin production and antimicrobial susceptibility in Staphylococci isolated from traditional raw milk cheeses in Serbia

Inhibition of Salmonella by thyme essential oil and its effect on microbiological and sensory properties of minced pork meat packaged under vacuum and modified atmosphere

Changes in spoilage- related robiota of pork and beef minced meat during refrigerated storage under vacuum and modified atmosphere

Effect of sunflower, linseed and soybean meal in pig diet on chemical composition, fatty acid profile of meat and backfat, and its oxidative stability

Effects of various pre-slaughter conditions on pig carcasses and meat quality in a low-input slaughter facility

Relationships among pre-slaughter stress, rigor mortis, blood lactate, and meat carcass quality in pigs

Radovi u časopisima van SCI liste

Advantages of sodium butyrate in weaned piglet diet

Safety evaluation of enterococci isolated from raw milk and artisanal cheesses made in Slovenia and Serbia

Biopreservation of traditional raw milk cheeses with an emphasis on Serbian artisanal cheeses and their historical production

The impact of triticale diet on production characteristics and meat quality in pigs

Effect of different sodium butyrate levels in weaned pig diet on the antioxidant capacity of selected organs

Ispitivanje mesnatosti trupova brojlera

Značaj informisanja potrošača pri izboru namirnica

Ostali radovi

Nanotechnology and Plant Extracts as a Future Control Strategy for Meat and Milk Products

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